
Trinity Professors to Nominate Mary McAleese for Trinity Chancellorship

The Irish Times is reporting that former president of Ireland Mary McAleese is likely to succeed Mary Robinson as Trinity's Chancellor.
By Donal MacNamee

Pav Chairman Rules Out Events With Luxury Accommodation Providers

After backlash among students, Cyril Smyth said that 'no event/function involving LIV/Aparto is taking place in the Pavilion Bar next week'.
By Aisling Marren

Five Third-Level Institutes to Share €100m Government Investment

The government has announced a new investment in higher education.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Among 10 Colleges Recognised for Alcohol Awareness Efforts

Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O'Connor presented the REACT awards today in DCU.
By Emer Moreau

Mental Health Issues Endemic at Third-Level, Finds USI Report

The Union of Students in Ireland has called for 'better services' after the release of a report on student mental health.
By Donal MacNamee

Skipping College for Work is a Slippery Slope Towards Undervaluing Education

In the current unaffordable climate, it seems students scrabbling to get by is becoming increasingly normalised.

Luach Ró-Íseal ar an Oideachas a Bheidh i gCeist le Cailleadh Ranganna don Obair

Le cúrsaí ríchostasacha faoi láthair, tá an dreach ar an scéal nach bhfuil deireadh i ndán do streachailt na mac léinn.

40% of Students on Third-Level Grants Getting Full Amount

Nearly 60,000 students have been awarded grants so far this year.
By Aisling Marren

Seanchais Cois Tine i gColáiste na Tríonóide

Beidh an t-imeacht ar siúl idir 4 i.n. agus 6 i.n. i dTéatar Maxwell, ar Déardaoin, an 22ú Lúnasa.
By Malachi Ó Marcaigh

Kate Moss, Ruth Negga and Sadiq Khan to Address Trinity Societies

Sadiq Khan, Peter Higgs, and Natalie Dormer are also included on this year's speaker lists for the Phil, the Hist and Law Soc.
By Katy Amos