The fellows of the College have rejected plans to increase the power of the students’ vote in next year’s provostial election.
By failing to assent to the proposal put to them by Board they have effectively said that they either want to keep all the power for themselves or that they do not want to trust the students with what would still even be a very small vote.
Whatever the reasons that the fellows that failed to assent have it gives a very poor reflection of them to the thousands of students that they educate.
The College is about learning and the most important element in this process is the students and their voices must be heard and heard loudly when it comes to choosing the person that will be head of the College for the next ten years.
However, most of the fellows reject this argument. It is this paper’s opinion that what the fellows have done is perpetuate a power grab and fracture the connection between students and fellows.
The University Times will always stand with the students of the College for their democratic right to representation within the College and this is the biggest event in terms of democracy that this College sees. It occurs only every ten years so when it does we must take it very seriously.
It is a shame that the fellows did not on this occasion and have decided that remaining a powerful elite is more important than making the majority heard.
We will see next year if the fellows maintain their ability to vote in a way that the students are not happy with.