Comment & Analysis

House Sick: TCDSU’s Transition from Protest to PR
A critical overview of TCDSU’s political orientation over the past year that investigates how a public relations-style approach has been used to hide ineffectiveness.

Social Media Activism: A Force for Change or Mere Performance
It is all too easy for individuals to fall into the trap of merely posting from behind their screens without engaging in the causes they advocate for.

The Implications of a Potential Trade Ban on Israeli Settlements
Enshrining the Occupied Territories Bill into Irish law could encourage a growing dialogue about the importance of ethical trade practices.

The Trinity Drug Problem No One Talks About
Amy Wei examines how drug use at Trinity has become an unexamined norm — and what that says about privilege, culture, and consequence.

Do We Need to Include Arts in STEM?
Engineering students call themselves engineers, but you never hear arts students call themselves unemployed.

Our Students’ Union is Lacking in Relevance – But That Might Not Be Entirely its Fault
We need to start recognising that statistics like the 3.6% turnout in the recent constitutional referendum don’t exist in isolation, but instead as a tiny fraction of a much broader trend of youth disengagement with politics in Ireland.

Why I Occupied the Central Bank of Ireland
A group from Trinity BDS, Trade Union Friends of Palestine, and the IPSC occupied the Central Bank of Ireland over their continued sale of Israeli war bonds.

Why We Protest Prime Ministers and How Identity Politics Are Weaponised
Organisers of the recent Theresa May protest explain the reasons for their actions in opposition to British imperialism.

Waiting for Goliath: America’s Future on the World Stage
The consequences of the U.S.’ U-turn in foreign policy on international affairs.

Creating a Healthier Campus: The Push for a Smoke-Free Trinity and its Implications on Student Life
Even when health concerns are significant, the ultimate decision lies with the individual and their autonomy, creating a difficult balance that seems impossible to be met.