Geoweek 2015 is upon us, and this years theme is “The Power of Maps”. This theme is international, and Ireland are focusing on how cartography is linked with memory making. Trinity GeogSoc and the geography department in college are embracing this theme for a whole week from the 16th to the 22nd of November, with plenty of fun and games for everyone to get involved in. Geoweek in Trinity will focus on how maps and map making influence both our present and past memories.
The first of the events is on Tuesday where you can let your inner geographer out at the “Geolympics”, where the Museum Building will be taken over by Geography themed games and lots of prizes too! Bring your friends and battle against each other in all things Geography related.
“The Power of Geospatial Technology” is taking place on Wednesday and will explain the uses and importance of GIS – A Geographic Information System. Ian Hand and Dr. Kevin Lougheed are hosting the event, so come along if you would like to know more the importance of using GIS and why we use it at all.
Thursday the 19th sees another evening of map themed talks. Dr Annaleigh Margey and Dr.Mark Hennessy will speak about decoding historical maps at the “Maps and Memory: Decoding Historical Maps”.
As well as the events which are taking place, there will be a competition throughout the week to win a ticket to the Earth Ball, so stay alert. All the events during the week will take place in the Museum Building at 7pm, keep an eye on the Geoweek facebook page for more information on exact rooms.