This week gives us the best the Rhône Valley has to offer. For those into wine or looking to learn more, Rhône Wine Week is a fantastic way to expand your palette, and learn more about the wines of the region from the producers themselves. Though Syrah is one of the main grape varieties most associated with the region and it’s history, Rhône Wine Week is here to show us the many other varieties the Rhône Valley has to offer.
This ancient region has more ties to Ireland’s history with wine than one would expect. Tales of St. Patrick visiting vineyards are not scarce, so much so that several of them were named after Ireland’s patron saint. Head along to one of the events, and learn many more stories about this interesting Irish-French connection.
Rhône wine week kicks off on Monday 2nd November with three events over the night, including the Big Rhône Quiz, and a €35 per person dinner event at L’Gueuleton on Fade Street with Etienne Defosse. However, my top pick to start off the week is the screening of Jacques Audiard’s Read My Lips in the Irish Film Institute, where you can enjoy wine tasting and delicious nibbles before the movie. This celebration of French wine and cinema will only set you back €25, a fantastic way to start the week.
The must go to events for the rest of the week are, the Big Rhône Tasting on Wednesday 4th November in the Ely Bar & Brasserie in the I.F.S.C. This is a fantastic opportunity to meet the producers and try all the wines the region has to offer. At only €15 per person, it’s a steal.
My final top pick for the week is on Thursday 5th November. Enjoy a 3 course meal with wine pairing, in Hatch & Sons on St. Stephen’s Green. The event will be hosted by the producers themselves, and for only €35 per person, it would make an ideal date night just before reading week!