Two of Hollywood’s biggest stars, Ice Cube and Kevin Hart, accepted the Gold Medal of Honorary Patronage from the University Philosophical Society (the Phil) on January 22nd. The pair only arrived in Dublin last night, according to Hart, and spent the morning working out before arriving in Trinity. In the triumphant words of Ice Cube “We’ve been around the world, but now we’re in the D!”
Following some jovial introductions, President of the Phil, Ludivine Rebet, questioned the actors about their experiences as two black actors starring in a major film, and why this was such a rarity in Hollywood. Hart responded by arguing that “This is a movie that should appeal to everyone” and argued that movies should always appeal to a large audience.
Rebet then addressed Ice Cube, commenting on his previous notorious run-ins with the police and feelings towards them and questioning what it was like for him to play a cop. Ice Cube responded: “Let’s just say I know how the cops operate, so I didn’t need to do too much research for the role.”
Following this, Rebet pointed out that the two actors both had other talents before turning to acting, and asked whether it was necessary to be a jack of all trades in Hollywood these days. Hart argued that it’s not necessarily essential to have multiple talents, but it is instead about building a brand. However, he also argued: “The thing that people really love is the real you, and the authenticity in your work. Once you lose your authenticity, and you start faking, that’s when people lose interest.”
Rebet finished up by asking what the future held for the two actors. Hart immediately chipped in that his future involved “modelling, lots of nude modelling”. Ice Cube answered that he plans to expand his company, Cube Vision, and to continue making movies that they could be proud of without the interference of big studio movie executives. Hart then piped up, stating: “It makes me happy that he says that, I love being able to make my movies for free”.
The audience were then offered the chance to ask their own questions. Half the hands in the GMB’s debating chamber shot into the air, with one girl leaping to her feet to ask the first question.
The first question, directed at Ice Cube, acknowledged that he has had a hugely varied career with huge success across multiple mediums, but questioned how he has managed to stay as relevant now as he was in the late-80s. Ice Cube believed it was down to the fact that he focuses on the quality rather than the quantity of his work.
The attention was then turned to Hart and his departure from his more conventional films to focus on his upcoming animated film The Secret Life of Pets. When asked what inspired him to do something completely different, Hart said: “It’s my kids, they keep telling me they love my voice and they want to see me in films. My 10 year old keeps asking me ‘When are you gonna do a cartoon? When daddy, when?’”
He continued: “I looked around until I found the right project, and this one kinda lept out at me. I’m playing like a black militant character, but I’m also a fluffy white rabbit, so it’s kind of a weird experience for me.”
The two actors were then asked their opinion on the boycott of the Oscars due to the lack of diversity in the nominations. Ice Cube addressed the question, stating: “To me, it really doesn’t matter, the real rewards come from the people who help make the film and the fans. We make our films for the audience, not for the industry, so if the industry doesn’t recognize us, that’s not an issue for us because the fans have reacted so well. Also, I never go to the Oscars, so even if I wanted to, how the fuck could I boycott it?”
When asked about the most valuable piece of advice they’ve ever been given, both actors offered their insight, with Ice Cube answering: “Mind your own business, you’ll live longer.” And Hart following up with “A happy wife is a happy life.”
The final question for the pair brought them back to their single days, asking “What was your best chat-up line?” Hart, admitting it was cheesy but claiming it worked, claimed he used to use “If I was taller, do you think I’d have a chance?” Ice Cube claimed all he ever used was “Wassup, I’m Ice Cube” and said that generally seemed to work.
The duo left the chamber to a standing ovation and several desperate attempts at selfies. One lucky fan even managed to get Ice Cube to sign a copy of his N.W.A vinyl record, much to his delight.