It is a great time to be an activist in Trinity. This week, our societies have some really exciting events in store to cater for your calls for change. Today, DU Sociological Society (Soc Soc) and the College Historical Society (the Hist) will be hosting a Burke Panel Discussion on Irish Travellers and Society. They will be bringing together students and guest speakers, travellers and non-travellers, to shed light on this often-marginalised group. The discussion will be followed by a Q&A session and a reception afterwards. It kicks off at 6pm in the GMB.
An hour later, in the Thomas Davis Theatre, Arts Block, a host of activist societies including Trinity Global Development Society and Trinity Environmental Society (EnviroSoc), alongside Fossil Free TCD, will be teaming up with Trócaire’s Burning Question Campaign for a film screening. The campaign aims to stop the Irish government’s investments in fossil fuels. They will be screening a 30-minute documentary focusing on Malawian and Irish climate change activists. Look out for some familiar faces from Trinity! A Q&A discussion will follow, so come along and get inspired.
If the activist fires are still burning on Tuesday, come along to Trinity Socialist Workers Student Society’s (SWSS) event at 1pm to 2pm in Room 3051, Arts Block. Richard Boyd Barrett TD will be discussing the resurgence of socialism in the 21st century. The event will explore the state of capitalism today and the emergence of new socialist movements.
At 7pm, DU Gender Equality Society (DUGES) and Trinity Global Development Society will be welcoming Melanie Lynch, director of Herstory, to talk about this fascinating initiative which aims to bring a diverse group of people together to celebrate great women in history. This event is taking place in the MacNeil Theatre and participants will be able to learn more about getting involved in the Herstory movement, as well as a sneak peak of exciting things to come!
On Wednesday at 3pm, The Phil’s Bram Stoker Club will be holding a panel discussion about the grassroots movements driving the repeal the eighth campaign. Panelists include founder of the Repeal Project, Anna Cosgrove; organiser of the Someone You Love pro-choice art exhibition, Aifric Ní Chríodáin; writer and comedian behind the Facts of Choice panel, Tara Flynn and Dublin representative of the Abortion Rights Campaign, Emily Waszak.
Looking to combine activism with organising your summer plans? Suas Trinity will be holding an information night about overseas volunteering at 6pm in the Swift Theatre. Suas have been facilitating student volunteer experiences for fourteen years and on Wednesday they will give you all the information you need to start your application. You will also have the chance to talk with some past volunteers.
After these inspiring events, take time to relax and unwind with Trinity’s language societies. DU Modern Language, Trinity French Society, Trinity Italian Society, DU Germanic Society and DU Hispanic Society are teaming up for a spooky pub crawl, kicking off at the Pav at 7.30pm. Polyglots and pints are always a good combination.
On Thursday at 10am, TCD Botanical Society will be meeting at Front Arch to journey to the Phoenix Park for their annual (and adorable) mushroom hunt. This exciting excursion will be led by expert Dr Paul Dowding. Don’t forget comfortable footwear and your bus fare or Leap card.
Thursday evening offers similarly unique events. Trinity Japanese Society is teaming up with Japanese Societies in University College Dublin (UCD) and Dublin City University (DCU) for their 2016 Halloween Party at Howl at the Moon. Snacks will be provided and dressing up is highly encouraged! This event costs €5. Meanwhile, Trinity Literary Society (Lit Soc) will be hosting a Halloween-themed Literary Lock In at 8pm in Room 5025, the Arts Block. Come along and churn out something horrific, in the best way possible!