Get into the seasonal swing of things with the annual Christmas Tree lighting ceremony happening at 5pm in Front Square. College Singers will lead some classic Christmas carols, the Student2Student (S2S) group will be holding a “Santa2Santa” and delicious mince pies and hot drinks will be provided thanks to the kind people at the Buttery. You can prolong that warm and fuzzy feeling by joining Trinity Knitting Society in Room 31 at 6pm to work on your crochet skills. This week’s tutorial is granny squares!
There’s polyphonic debating galore on Tuesday. An Cumann Gaelach is hosting the black tie final of their Maidens debating competition in the House of Lords at 7pm. The motion stands as “The media has an unfair influence over the right to a fair trial” and the debate will be chaired by the Irish Times’ Political Correspondent, Harry McGee. A wine reception and a night out will follow the debate.
Meanwhile, Trinity French Society’s Christmas Comedy Debate will have something for you whether you’re full of festive cheer or the greatest Grinch of all. Kicking off at 7pm in the Global Room, the motion is “This House Would Cancel Christmas”. Strong opinions on either side welcome!
Christmas enthusiasts should then bop over to the Grand Social at 8pm for a performance from Trinity’s all-female acapella group, Trinity Belles. Tickets are just €3 for students and they’re promising old classics, seasonal favourites and new hits.
On Wednesday evening at 8pm, board the Polar Express from Heuston Station and allow yourself to be whisked away from all your essay woes to a mystery location somewhere in Ireland.
If this seems like a bit of a commitment, you can always just venture to Trinity Hall for a performance of the musical Avenue Q at 7.30pm. This event is in association with Trinity Hall JCR. Tickets are €5 for students and €10 for adults.
If assignment and essay stress is all getting a bit much, QSoc are hosting a mindfulness group this Thursday in Room 5039, Arts Block at 4pm. Later that evening, Dublin University Gender Equality Society and TCD Architectural Society are teaming up to host a panel discussion on Eileen Gray, one of Ireland’s greatest and underappreciated designers and a pioneer of modernism. The panel will feature Sean Kissane, curator of exhibitions at IMMA, prominent architect Mary-Ruth Walsh and author Patricia O’Reilly, who has written a novel exploring the relationship between Gray and Bruce Chatwin. The event is taking place in the Maxwell Theatre in the Hamilton Building at 6pm.
DU Players have an exciting weekend in store for you. They’re presenting the 24 Hour Musical 2016, where they will audition, cast, rehearse and put up a musical in 24 hours! Auditions will be taking place from 10am until 1pm in Players Theatre on Friday 9th December. We will then see rehearsals taking place from 2pm until 8pm. Rehearsals recommence at 10am on Saturday until showtime!
This year’s musical is Sister Actually, the story of a happy-go-lucky showgirl turned nun who’s on the run from a gang of hardy mobsters. Tickets to see this extraordinary performance are only €7//€10 with all proceeds going to the Irish Refugee Council. Definitely not one to be missed!
Correction: 11:28, December 5th, 2016
An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that the Trinity Hall Musical was in association with DU Music and the Trinity Hall JCR. While a committee member from DU Music is involved in the musical, DU Music Society are not, and the musical is organised solely by the JCR.