Typically, Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union’s (TCDSU) sabbatical elections offer a week of campaigning, hustings and, of course, a string of competitively marketed nights out organised by candidates running for the position of entertainments officer. While it can be argued that this year’s race is far less exciting and competitive than previous years due to the fact that it is surprisingly uncontested, candidate Jonah Craig is determined not the be taken for granted in the one-man race. The once-Trinity Hall JCR Ents Officer aims to use Monday 19th to showcase his ability to host one-of-a-kind and engaging events to students, an ability which is already well-known by last year’s Hall’s community.
Craig has chosen the South William as his venue for the night, a more upmarket selection compared to the twice used Hangar by last year’s candidates. The main selling point of the event, “Jonah for Ents Presents: Blue Chip”, is its “stock market”-themed bar. Wanting to ensure that the event highlights his initiative, Craig explained what brought about the idea: “This idea really incorporates what I’ve been doing in college. It’s got that computer science element and I feel that’s important. It helps show who I am. It’s great to be able to infuse that with Ents. The stock market idea has been done around the country, I’ve seen it in Galway and other areas, but never in Dublin. I think it could really kick off, and helps bring about a bit of hype for the event.”
Upon first glance at the night’s Facebook event page, the branding makes the theme difficult to gather. Until later edited, the candidate’s Facebook event description for “Jonah for Ents Presents: Blue Chip” was somewhat unclear. More transparent event information may stand to the candidate in the future. Craig clarified what is to be expected: “Basically, we will have a projector in the venue which will project a stock market. The market will crash a couple of times, and when it does you can expect a drink deal for a limited time at the bar. You might have, say, seven minutes to get three jagerbombs for a tenner, or something.” A take on the standard stock market bar idea, this manipulation of a common drinks deal shows Craig’s understanding of club night execution. Typical stock market bars include till tampering, and are difficult to monitor. Craig explained: “You can’t go all the way with an idea like this without insurance and licensing and all that. We can still take the idea and just do something a little different.” The tweaked version one can expect on Monday night is indicative of Craig’s ability to think outside of the box while still adding a real element of fun and excitement to the what would be an otherwise standard club night.
For Craig, Trinity Ents should be about bringing something unique to campus, and is what he truly hopes this event will prove he can do. “We’re taking something that hasn’t been done before and implementing it. I want people to think ‘Oh yeah, that’s a great idea!’ and just roll with it. I love that sense of creativity and uniqueness. If we haven’t seen it before then it’s good.”
South William launched their new Monday night Hip-Hop and R’n’B event “Fiddy Fiddy” last week, and for those in the know it is clear that Craig shall be joining arms with them this Monday. While an entirely independent event may have been more telling of Craig’s abilities to run a successful and busy club night, the collaboration does show Craig’s negotiative skills and professionalism. With all sounding good and in order, time will only tell how Craig is received, and if his creative efforts will stand to him.