Get up all you lazy sods. Freshers’ Week isn’t over yet. There are tonnes of chill events on today to help you wind down after the manic week and mentally prepare for the term ahead. Here’s a few must-attend events for you on this final day of Freshers’ Week.
Free Yoga and Meditation:
This morning at 11.30am you’ll find Yoga Soc and DU Meditation re-grounding themselves after a hectic few days. If you have an interest in trying out either of these beneficial activities, then now is your chance. Yoga soc will have a free half-hour class, led by a trained yoga teacher, which will be followed by a guided meditation from DU meditation. Let me tell you, nothing cures a hangover like a good stretch and some downward dogs, so this event is definitely a must. You’ll find these super chill people in New Square, in front of the Museum Building.
Attenborough and Chill:
Maybe it’s just because I’m a big old science nerd, but I love David Attenborough and I really don’t think I’m alone in this. The good news is that Zoo Soc have decided to screen some Attenborough at 12pm today, ahead of their screenings of Blue Planet Two, which will become a regular event. It’ll be relaxing and educational. Bit of a no-brainer that you should be there, so head to room 4047 in the Arts Block today for the best event you didn’t know you needed in your life.
Charity Fest:
At this stage in the week you’re probably very broke. So to save you having to eat nothing but pot-noodles for the next month, SUAS, VDP, Ents and DU Amnesty have organised a free night out. All the die-hards out there can still party it up tonight by heading to the Pav at 5 pm. There will be ice-cream trucks, games with spot prizes to be won and music provided by Spin 103.8. Afterwards the whole crew will be heading to Doyles, which is a tradition in itself. Just make sure you’re in by 11pm.
Culture Night with Vis Arts:
After their Arty Brunch event, which will be going on all morning in room 6.31 in House Six, Vis Arts will be meeting up later on in the day to go on a cultural tour of Dublin. Once they meet at 6pm at Front Square, they’ll be heading to the Icon Factory for some creative inspiration before having a good bop in Morning Gloryville at 7pm. Who says nights out can’t be classy or cultured?
Open Mic Night:
Tonight DU Music, Trinity Musical Theatre Society and Singers bring you a night to remember. Whether you want to belt your favourite Taylor Swift song or get really drunk and sing “My Heart Will Go On” to your freshers’ crush who blanked you earlier, then so be it. Just head on over to The International Bar for 7.30pm to sign up. Or if you suffer severe stage fright, then just go along to feel inadequate and be impressed at how ridiculously talented everyone else is.