With Reading Week fast approaching, here are some events to enjoy before a nice mid-term lull and before deadlines really start to loom.
Dublin University International Students Society (DUISS) are having a Halloween Rave in Dicey’s at 6pm.
Looking for a good, cheap session and not sure where to go? DUISS’s rave is for you. Be sure to dress up as the best costume will win a prize.
Cumann Gaelach and Trinity’s Trad Soc will be celebrating Samhain, bringing you everything from pagan-style leaf crowns and Samhain mask-making to a juggling display in Front Square. All of the events are completely free and open to everyone. There will be Irish-language sessions, ceilís and a celebration of all things Irish.
Trinity FLAC in association with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) and the Peter McVerry Trust have organised a sleep out in solidarity with Ireland’s homeless community. An undermat will be provided to all participants as well as tea and coffee throughout the night.
The next topic in the Science Gallery’s “Women Should be Both Seen and Heard” series aimed at women and other underrepresented groups in academia is “An Exploration of Gender and Sexuality with Gaming and Potential Applications”. The event is free, but requires prior registration.
Restorative Yoga & Sacred Sounds in Temple Bar, only a stroll from Trinity, will teach you how to calm and balance the mind with a restorative yoga class at 11am. Poses combine with a guided meditation, which is complemented by the soothing sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, healing pipes and gong. Classes cost €25.