Trinity Fashion Society (Fashion Soc) was established just under a decade ago in 2009, but since then has become one of Trinity’s most vibrant and successful societies. Its biggest event is an annual charity fashion show, which will be taking place this year on February 1st in the Douglas Hyde Gallery. Heather Moore, Chairperson of Fashion Soc, and Emer Buckley, Ents Officer of Fashion Soc, sat down with The University Times to discuss the society and their Annual Charity Fashion Show.
Moore and Buckley agreed that getting involved with the Fashion Society has been their best decision yet during their time in college. They also agreed that it’s the members of Fashion Soc that make the events as special as they are. “It would be nothing without the members”, Moore admits. “We rely on them so much. Without the styling, PR, modelling, sponsorship and production teams, we’d be absolutely lost.”
One of the opportunities to get directly involved in the planning of the Fashion Show is at the information night in early October each year where anyone is free to sign up to help at the show. The Fashion Soc committee takes on numerous volunteers each year who get sorted into one of four teams – PR, modelling, sponsorship or production. Along with these four teams, there is the highly coveted position of stylist.
Moore mentions how lucky the committee have been this year with the “overwhelming” support pouring out from businesses and brands to help with the clothes, goody bags and many exciting raffle prizes. Moore and Buckley remained quite tight-lipped about what to expect in the goody bags, but they did mention that some of the prizes up for grabs on the night include dinner for two at Fade Street Social, lunch for two at the Farmhouse cafe, and a one-night stay with breakfast at a hotel in Killarney.
Each year, all funds raised at the Fashion Show go towards a charity and this year the Fashion Soc has chosen to donate all money made at the event to the Simon Community. “Walking down Grafton Street one day”, recalled Buckley, “I remember just being hit by the realisation that there are so many people in need, sleeping rough and so we decided to donate the funds raised to the Simon Community”. The Simon Communities across Ireland provide the best possible care, accommodation and support for people experiencing homelessness and those at risk.
“It’s not just for us”, stated Moore, before going on to explain that even though they have had a lot of fun organising the show, none of it is for their benefit. “It’s for the audience and those who will benefit from the funds raised for the vital work which the Simon Community do.”
Moore and Buckley both expressed their desire to produce events they can be proud of. “We don’t want to plan plain, easy events, we want to be able to pour our heart and souls into them and come out proud of what we’ve done.” After the Fashion Show, Buckley tells how there will be no rest for the committee, and that they’ll get on planning their annual trip to London Fashion Week straight away. On February 7th, there will be a panel discussion in conjunction with Trinity Arts Festival (TAF) on the future of fashion.
This year’s theme, “Love’s Young Dream”, comes from the name of a poem by Trinity alumnus Thomas Moore. Through this theme and in this show, Fashion Soc aim to explore the aesthetic and texture of Ireland’s history – the trials, the hope, the struggles and the soul.
The Annual Charity Fashion Show will be taking place at 7pm, February 1st in the Douglas Hyde Gallery. Not only is it a stunning location for such a fabulous event, but it’s also conveniently on campus. The festivities will continue after the show and will move to the Chelsea Drugstore for an after-party to celebrate the night.
A number of tickets for the Fashion Show will be available at the door for €15 on the night.