After facing two previous cancellations due to bad weather, Trinity Indian Society (Indian Soc) finally got the chance to host their Holi event today just before 2pm in Front Square.
The event was originally due to be held the first Monday back after Reading Week, but Storm Emma had been blanketing the country in snow the week before and forced Indian Soc to reschedule due to lingering snow and ice on Front Square. The event was then moved to the following week, but was once again cancelled because of heavy rain.
Finally, the weather was in Indian Soc’s favour and the event was able to go ahead today. A little rain at the end couldn’t dampen students’ spirits, as dozens of people danced in a haze of colours to celebrate the festival.
Blessed with sunshine breaking through a completely grey sky, the event took place in Front Square with dozens of students taking part in the celebration. Energetic music pumped from the speakers as participants threw handfuls of coloured powder on each other.

Students were in Front Square to celebrate Holi today.
For the past seven years, Trinity Indian Society has been running the event to spread joy and colour throughout the campus. This year, the event sold out in a matter of days. The event is Indian Soc’s largest event of the year and so no amount of bad weather was going to prevent them from celebrating Holi.