By the Wednesday of fresher’s week, you may well have signed up for almost every one of the 120 societies on offer. You may even know your way around campus. So now, you can start to decide which society events you’ll actually attend. Below is a small list of some events where you’ll meet the friends you’ll have for the next four years, give or take a repeat.
Has JK Rowling Ruined Harry Potter?:
Trinity’s Literary Society (Lit Soc) present the first in a series of conversational coffee hours, where you’ll discuss and debate a range of literature topics. The first topics, “Has JK Rowling ruined Harry Potter?”, is sure to cause some tension. Since the release of her last book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, there’s been a myriad of plays and spin-offs, of the series, indicating the enduring popularity of the books. But perhaps her political tweets are distorting her fan base’s views. Find out at 1pm at the Attic in House 6.
A tour of the Hugh Lane Gallery:
Trinity’s Fashion Society, renowned for its Annual Charity Fashion Show and a trip to London Fashion Week, are back with a bang this week. Meeting at the Front Arch at 2pm, they are gathering to set off to the Hugh Lane Gallery, the world’s first public gallery of modern art. Walk in the steps of the “birth of Dublin’s cosmopolitan life”. Get to know the city and drink some cocktails with some fellow freshers. What more could you ask for?
AIESEC Global Village:
AIESEC is the world’s largest student-run non-profit organisations with the aim of promoting leadership and cross-cultural relationships. AIESEC and Trinity’s Global Office are hosting an array of societies from a vast variety of cultures. Each society will speak at the Global Room from 3pm to 5pm, showcasing their nation’s own unique identities through food, language, traditions and much more. It’s a great occasion to learn more about other cultures as well as hear from societies you may have missed in the freshers’ fair. The societies included are: DU Germanic Society, DU Hispanic Society, D.U. Modern Languages Society, DU Southeast Asian Society- Duseas, Europa Trinity, Russian Society Trinity College, SOFIA – Society For International Affairs, TCD French Society, TCD Afro-Caribbean Society, TCD Arabesque Society, TCD CSSA and Chinese Society, TCD Japanese Society, and Trinity Yoga Society.
This House Would Be A Fresher Again:
The College Historical Society (the Hist) is taking a fun look at what it would be like to turn the clock to day one of freshers’ week. This is a great place to sharpen your sarcasm and enjoy the highly entertaining sport of debate. Last year’s freshers’ debate, “This House Would Shift and Drift” proved very successful. We can only imagine what will be said this year. The debate is being held at the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB) at 7.30pm.
Anarchist Party:
Join the Hist, Dublin University Alternative Music Society (DUAMs) and Political Society (Pol Soc) in Everleigh Gardens on Harcourt Street at 9.30pm. If you weren’t fortunate enough to nab yourself a freshers’ week wristband, this event will surely compensate. The Hist is providing pre-drinks after the freshers’ week debate as well as free nachos! Tickets cost €5 and are available at the Hist, DUAMs and Politics Society stands.