Trinity Musical Theatre (TMT) Society is set to attempt an incredible feat this Tuesday as its members embark on a tumultuous 12-hour adventure to audition, rehearse and perform Mamma Mia in just 12 hours. The project, entitled “Mamma Mia 3: Here we go, literally in 12 hours”, will see the group set out to stage the musical just 12 hours after auditions take place, in a project that would surely make Donna and the Dynamos proud.
In advance of the event TMT implores you to find your inner dancing queen and take the stage at 12pm on Tuesday in room three of the Atrium when auditions kick off. Whip out your flares and platform boots and convince the auditioners to take a chance on you.
In an email statement to The University Times, Guy Boggan, TMT’s Public Relations Officer, explained: “The show will be centred around not taking things too seriously, it will allow anyone who might have missed out on the cast of this year’s musical Chicago, or anyone yet to get involved in TMT, to show us what they’ve got!”
Auditions will end at 2pm, allowing the production team a speedy half an hour to announce the cast list, which will be emailed to all auditionees, along with a script of the show. By 4pm rehearsals will be underway, also in room three of the Atrium. TMT anticipates that rehearsals for Act One to be completed by 6pm, before quickly delving into Act Two to be completed by 8pm. There will be a quick turn-around and a short window for costume-dressing before the show kicks off at 9pm. I’m out of breath and stressed just typing the agenda.
It promises to be a demanding, hectic and whirlwind event, but one that will certainly be an exciting and thrilling experience. When all is said and done, those taking part will be the super troupers of the hour, and will probably need a 12-hour rest.
If you’re not sure that you are built for this madness, be sure to go and see the performance in the Players’ Theatre. Working off of the adrenalin rush of the past 12 hours, the performers are bound to put on an exuberant show for all.