This week, societies have taken notice of the recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) Climate Change Report. The report published by the UN last week gives us approximately 12 years to get our act together. We’ll have to do more than buying a keep cup unfortunately. But as always, there’s something for everyone – from soccer to a good old pub quiz. Below are our top picks for the week.
This week, TCD Environmental Society (Enviro Soc) is holding its Climate Action Week. The first event of the week is the next instalment to the “WTF Was That” series on the IPCC Climate Change Report. Although it may not be a surprise to many, our effect on the environment is much worse than previously thought. Join Enviro Soc this Monday at 5pm in the Atrium to discuss why this report is so important, how it will affect you and what we can do to change.
This Tuesday, Europa is screening a sport that most Europeans unite over: soccer. Whether you love it or hate it, watching a good match with your mates never fails to entertain. At 7pm in room 5039 in the Arts Block, Europa is showing the France–Germany match on the big screen. You may not follow either country, but with France’s recent – and dare I say – unexpected victory at the 2018 World Cup and Germany’s unprecedented defeat losing out in the group stages, watching this match is a must. Will Germany come back and prove their worth against the current champions? Come find out this Tuesday night.
As part of Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union’s Green Day and Enviro Soc’s Climate Action Week, FLAC (Free Legal Advice Centre), Trinity Law Society (Law Soc) and Enviro Soc, bring you a panel discussion on the recent Friends of the Irish Environment versus Fingal County Council case. There will be panel speakers by Fred Logue, Orla Kelleher and John Kenny BL, debating this case as well as “Your Right to a Clean Environment”.
For the first time in history, the High Court recognised “a personal constitutional right to an environment”, resulting from a challenge made by Friends of the Irish Environment about Dublin Airport’s proposed new runway. For what is sure to be an eye-opening talk, head down to the Joly Lecture Theatre at 7pm.
To break the week up a bit, as a comedown from the inevitable heartache of learning about our impending apocalypse, join DU Classical Society in Room 5039 at 7pm to watch an award-winning film, starring the one and only Russell Crowe, Gladiator. Although the historical inaccuracies are a whole different kind of heartache to some, a good movie is a good movie. After the film, the group will head for drinks to the Longstone Pub.
On Friday, Trinity Indian Society is bringing us their first quiz on everything Indian: Al-Hind. Head to the Pav at 6pm to test your knowledge on everything Bollywood, Indian mythology, politics, history, culture, art and so much more. Even if your quiz skills are lacking, it’s a great opportunity to learn. Sign-up sheets for teams of two are available on the society’s Facebook event page. And if that wasn’t enough, you’ll be in with the chance of nabbing yourself the highly sought-after Diwali and Holi tickets.