It’s that time of year again when some of Trinity’s most exuberant and passionate societies come together in House Six to stage the society event of all society events: High Society. Society, on society, on society – a society pile-on if you will – has been organised to showcase all that this eclectic, vibrant selection of groups has to offer on campus.
The upper part of House Six will be transformed into a society wonderland this Thursday at 7pm when each society opens its doors to curious students. From the Literary Society (Lit Soc), to the Metaphysical Society (Metafizz), to DU Gender Equality to Trinity Visual Arts Society (Vis Arts), the night offers an intriguing range of events. Each society room will play host to some wild and wacky games for the wandering, non-society member to take a stab at.
In DU Comedy’s room, the society will be playing their very own Cards Against Trinity in its room. The society will be taking the infamously ruthless, but hilariously outrageous Cards Against Humanity game and turning it into a Trinity-ridiculing version. Other games like Never Have I Ever and Truth or Dare will be played so by the end of the day, you’ll be telling people what the worst thing you’ve never done is – sure, how could you resist. Be sure to pop in and enjoy the jokes and laughs that are sure to be had with DU Comedy.
Next door to the comedians is DU Alternative Music Society (DUAMS). The society will be providing some live musical entertainment on the night. Indeed, in what the group is calling its “tiny room concert” attendees will listen to the sweet indie melodies that the group has to offer, and might even get the chance to play some of the instruments.
Having enjoyed the soothing songs of DUAMS, head over to Trinity FM’s physically smaller, but equally electrifying room. Trinity FM will be on site to quicken the tempo as they host DJ Philip Holmes of The Temple b2b with international man of mystery Pierre Magnum – a tiny room, but a big party.
Also playing host for the evening is DU Film Society (Film Soc). Once you step foot in this room, the rule is that everything you say must be somewhat related to film or you are compelled, or indeed obligated, to take a drink. The society will be watching some classic scenes from some classic movies and incorporating some film-themed drinking games. Attendees are welcome to request a movie or scene and if the society has it, it will be shown. Dangerously located on the top floor, the film-enthusiasts certainly have an eventful night in store.
And if you make it out of Film Soc’s room alive, Trinity Politics Society will be playing “Spot the KGB Agent” (the game Mafia turned political) and will reward a bottle of Absolut Vodka to the winner.
After having been murdered by a KGB agent, Q Soc might provide you with some light-hearted relief. Throughout the night the society will be playing “Queer Pong” (I see what you guys did there), on the second floor. For those not quite so confident in their hand-eye coordination, they will have “Qrosswords” on offer, with spot prizes for some of the harder clues. And finally, for the more subdued (arguably, sane) and admirably artistic among you, Vis Arts will be face painting in its room on the night.
The night will certainly be a wild one, but an enjoyable one at that. Bringing together a diverse set of societies, High Society celebrates the unique interests that each group represents on campus, but also the sense of community linking them together.