Alas, we have reached the final week of the semester and so comes a close to a term filled with incredible society events, events that just so happened to double up as perfect mechanisms for the avoidance of essays. Don’t go all library-obsessed on me now, and go finish the semester as it started, by throwing yourself into these final society events of the year.
DU Meditation has been hosting its “Mindfulness Mondays” all year and this week marks the final class of the semester. Head over to the Global Room this Monday at 1pm for an “Exam Stress Meditation” session, where the group will walk you through how to use mindfulness to maintain focus and calmness. I don’t know about you, but I’ll be taking on any help I can get and will be attempting between now and Christmas to find my inner zen. The event will be followed by a guided meditation on stress relief and study focus, and if that’s not enough, there will be free tea and biscuits afterwards.
Head over to Players’ Theatre this Tuesday a 3pm and welcome Doireann Garrihy to Trinity. The society is celebrating its “Women’s Week”, and hosts Garrihy in the spirit of the week. Garrihy, a past student of Trinity, is best known for her work as a radio and TV broadcaster, and for her show The Doireann Project on RTE. Entry to the event is free but be sure to head down early as it is sure to be a busy one.
On Wednesday evening, Cumann Gaelach will hold its final for Maidens na Gaeilge. At 7pm in the House of Lords on College Green, join the society in your best suits for the black tie event, to watch six speakers battle it out for the wonderful prize (eternal honour and glory, and also two tickets to Trinity Ball). The motion that will be debated is: “Irish voters under the age of 30 should have an extra vote.” With some very special guest judges present on the night, and a mysterious guest speaker lined up, the evening promises to be an interesting one. The event will be free, but you must register before midday on Tuesday in order to attend.
Trinity Environmental Society join up with Student 2 Student for a “crafternoon” this Thursday at the Pav. Kicking off at 1pm, the groups will be holding a crafting session with recycled material to make Christmas decorations and gifts. Not only do you get to cut down on waste but it’s a lovely opportunity to forget your stress and relax amid the madness of the last week of term.
Trinity’s Long Room Hub will be hosting its HistoryCon event this Friday in a celebration of the intersection of the study of history and popular media. The event will bring together both scholars and entertainment professionals in this unique setting to talk all things history. HistoryCon will feature talks and panels to discuss the magic of both filmmaking and primary sources. In the spirit of comic-con, HistoryCon will also host two costume contests, so be sure to deck yourself out in your finest garb for the day.