This week is Body and Soul week in Trinity, offering us all the chance to get in touch with our outer and inner selves. In a world dictated by social media and a self-critical culture, it is all too easy to focus on our flaws. Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) has seized on this conundrum and set a week aside to allow us all to celebrate ourselves. Well, it’s about time. Societies have latched onto the theme, organising feel-good events throughout the week. Some souls are in need of tea and friends, others political discussion (admittedly, I’d be the former). Whatever it is your inner-self is crying out for, Trinity’s societies have an event for you.
Trinity’s Society for International Affairs (SOFIA) will be welcoming Barrie Robinson, the Political Director of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, this Monday. Robinson will be speaking in the Synge Theatre at 7pm to discuss the role of the department within the government and how it fits into the broader EU framework. Who knows, perhaps your vocational calling is in the world of foreign affairs? Head over to the Synge for a possible spiritual awakening or, at the very least, an informative talk.
Trinity Politics Society and Labour Youth will be hosting Brendan Howlin, the leader of the Labour Party, in the MacNeill Theatre at 7.15pm on Tuesday evening. The talk will explore the possible effects of Brexit in Northern Ireland – including what the process means for the Good Friday Agreement and the possibility of Irish reunification. Having entered the world of politics in 1982, Howlin has the kind of experience to deliver a well-informed and thought-provoking response to a critical political moment in Northern Ireland.
Dispel those mid-week blues with Trinity TV at its Friends-themed coffee morning in House Six at 12pm. Dealing with lecturers who don’t understand that “we were on a break” these past five weeks can be tiring, and Trinity TV has organised the perfect way for us all to relieve our frustrations. Enjoy tea, coffee and biscuits with the soothing background noise of Ross screaming “PIVOT!”, as episodes play on repeat. Sometimes all you need is the comfortingly offensive melody of Phoebe’s cat song, or Joey’s familiar “how you doin’?” to get you through the day, so go tend to your body and your soul with tea, food and Friends.
Trinity Long Room Hub welcomes Prof Luke O’Neill to deliver the first of a lecture series that explores what it means to be a human in the 21st century. O’Neill will explore the origins of mankind as well as why people do what they do and what kind of future humankind has in store. Just a light, conversational topic to explore at 6.30pm on a Thursday evening, and a fitting discussion during Body and Soul Week.
Finish celebrating Body and Soul week with Trinity Yoga Society. The group has organised the perfect event to stretch the body and calm the soul, and help you settle back into the madness of College life. The yogis will be awaiting your arrival in Players Theatre at 12.30pm. With mats provided and no fee required, there’s simply no excuse to miss out on this soothing hour.