We’ve seen RAG week and Trinity Arts Festival (TAF) come and go, but things never slow down in Trinity, and this week it is Green Week’s turn to sweep across campus. With evidence of climate change all around us, sustainability is never far from people’s minds, and there is a whole host of events on campus this week which will give an insight into how we can play our part. So, put on your eco-warrior hats and go forth to learn how you can do your bit to save the environment.
For those of you who are keen to enter the corporate world but fear it will compromise your character, head along to the Joly lecture theatre in the Hamilton at 7pm on Monday evening for the a professional ethics panel discussion hosted by the Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC). Speakers Helene Coffey, Ronan Murphy and Ursula Collen will explore the importance of ethical business and how this can be balanced with getting ahead in your career. It might just save your soul from the corporate world, so why not pop in and check it out?
DU History is hosting a talk by Dr Conor Mulvagh in which he will present his paper “Lecturing the Revolutionary Generation: Student Life and Learning at University College Dublin c. 1912-1921” in its Irish debut. He will be joined by Trinity’s own Prof Eunan O’Haplin, and together they will explore the role of third-level institutions during Ireland’s revolutionary period.
Do you want to encourage those around you to be more sustainable but just aren’t sure how to? Join DU PsychSoc at 5pm on Wednesday for a talk on “Tempting People to be more Sustainable” by Dr Geertje Schuitema. Expect practical tips to sway the hearts and minds of others to a greener place.
For those looking for practical instructions on how to help the environment, look no further than the Alternative Uses of Food Waste workshop at 2pm in the Pav on Thursday. Learn how to save money and the planet at the same time by utilising your food waste as cleaning or beauty products. The event is followed immediately after by a Reduce, Reuse Relay, Race during which environmentally sustainable prizes can be won.
If you enjoy the chance to step back in time, join the Society for International Affairs (SOFIA) for a model United Nations debate that will take you all the way back to the Paris Peace Conference negotiations. Whether your allegiances lie with Germany or the Allied Powers, relive the ratification of the Treaty of Versailles and see an end to World War I. The event will start at 3pm in the Eliz Room in House Six and runs for two hours.