We’ve reached that time of year when freshers and veteran sophisters alike can feel college deadlines creeping up on them. While you can still justify not being in the library, take your mind off your academic responsibilities and spend a few hours sipping coffee with Trinity Literary Society or having some drinks at the Pav with Trinity General Science Society. As always, there’s something for everyone.
Trinity Student Management Fund (SMF) will start this week off by welcoming Bill Browder to the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB) at 5pm. Browder is the founder and CEO of Hermitage Capital Management. He was involved in a landmark lawsuit, which resulted in the creation of the Sergei Magnitsky Rule of Law Accountability Act in 2012. Browder will discuss his battle against corporate corruption this Monday. Attendees should arrive early to avoid disappointment.
This Tuesday, DU History will host their first talk of the year: Defending Trinity with Rory Sweetman. Sweetman, originally from Ireland, now resides in New Zealand. The historian will discuss his new book: Defending Trinity College Dublin, Easter 1916: Anzacs and the Rising. Students will have the opportunity to learn about the role of five New Zealanders who helped prevent the College’s capture during the 1916 Rising. The book will be available to purchase at the event, and is priced at €20. The event is for members of the society, but you can buy membership on the door. The event will take place at 7pm in the Graduate Students’ Union Common Room, which is located on the first floor of House Seven in Front Square.
On Wednesday evening, Dublin University Business and Economics Society (DUBES) will welcome Eamonn Quinn. Quinn, who has been wildly successful in the world of business, will discuss various aspects of his career, giving insight and advice to attendees. The businessman, a Trinity graduate, is the current chairman at Kelsius and Buymie, but is perhaps best-known from his time as a “Dragon” on RTE’s Dragons’ Den. The event will take place in the Business School, room B1.032, at 6pm. The event will be followed by a drinks reception at Harry’s on the Green.
This week, DU General Science Society (SciSoc) will host a pub crawl. Meeting in the Pav at 7pm, the society will kick off a night of pubbing with special guests DJs Colin Hart and Evan Magee. Now that we’ve all recovered from freshers’ week, it’s a perfect time to re-acquaint ourselves with some of Dublin’s best watering holes. SciSoc Committee remind all attendees to bring ID.
Join Trinity Literary Society’s weekly Conversational Coffee Hour at 3pm. This week, attendees will discuss bisexuality in the media. If you are looking for a comfortable open space to talk about sexuality and how it is represented in the media, this is certainly the place to be. This talk will focus on how bisexuality is represented across different mediums of media. You can partake in this riveting chat in room six of the Attic with complimentary coffee, tea and biscuits.