In a powerful display documenting photographer Eamon Carr’s voyages to Kosovo, a partially recognised state in south-eastern Europe with disputed territories, taken in his travels in 1999, Seeking Refuge presents 10 emotionally charged photographs of dislocated civilians as they flee a war-torn nation. This event will consider the alienating effects of the geopolitical struggles faced by those in Kosovo, and attempt to contextualise the events in history, as the artist Eamon Carr reflects upon the events he witnessed on his travels.
The exhibition, curated by Taifead’s Eoghan Scally, depicts the uprooted individuals and their attempts to find sanctuary following the conflict in Kosovo. Carr will consider the emotional and physical effects yielded by the conflict upon the refugees, particularly on children and youth. Thematically, the showcase will consider displacement and the poignant loss of innocence for children as they are forced to migrate from their communities. The seeking of safety and solace are also explored in Carr’s images, which feature forlorn children who have been abandoned in the midst of the exodus.
The time which has passed since the images have been taken lends to its distinctly emotionally impactful and retrospective nature – although much of the conflict has ceased in Kosovo, feelings of displacement and the pertinence of migration are still incredibly relevant in today’s zeitgeist.
Violence has its own role to play in the conception of the exhibition, as the photographer documents the introduction of ammunition and arms to the youth of Kosovo, who are forced to desert their childhood innocence in hopes of an end to violence, for safety and armistice. In the evocative and emotionally charged images, children play with ammunition, having lost their identities to the conflict and its effects.
In this talk, Carr will surely intend to elucidate the vigour of hope and how it can affect those in the midst of such horrifying occurrences. By exploring the narratives of those affected by the conflict, Carr’s photography attempts to consolidate the solace of compassion and human empathy. The talk will take place today in Back Lane, Merchant’s Quay, from 3pm until 4.30pm. Tickets are €4.99 and available online.