Reading week has drawn to a close and lectures are on the horizon once again. But whether you spent the week working hard or resting harder, there’s no better way to get back in the swing of college than by checking out some of the week’s incredible society events. With celebrations of International Women’s Week taking place, there’s plenty of events to celebrate female empowerment and discuss feminine issues.
Trinity Politics Society is celebrating International Women’s Week with its annual Women in Politics Panel. Panelists Senator Alice-Mary Higgins, Deputy Jennifer Carrol MacNeill, Dr Lisa Keenan, and Trinity’s Senator Lunn Ruane will discuss the range of political achievements by women to date as well as the future of women in politics both in Ireland and abroad. The event will take place in the Hist Conversation Room at midday.
For anyone wanting to scratch a creative itch, join Trinity Knitting Society (Knit Soc) and DU Pagan Society at 5pm on the top floor of House 6 as they make embroidered tarot card purses. These small purses also make excellent coin purses or gift-bags for those with no interest in the occult.
Dive into the historical depths of Dublin Port with DU History, as the society welcomes to Trinity the award-winning curator and port heritage director, Lar Joye. In his talk, Joye will explore his interest in maritime history, and in particular the esteemed history of Dublin Port and his part in the curation of the port archives. The event will take place at 7pm and the location will be confirmed shortly on the society’s Facebook page. Entry is free to all members and non-members can sign up on the door for €3.
Explore greener ways to travel around Dublin with Trinity Young Green’s talk on Women in cycling. Green Party Councillor Janet Horner will explore the challenges facing women cycling within the city as well as the tips and tricks to overcome them. The talk will take place at 6.30pm in the Salmon Theatre in the Hamilton Building.
Trinity Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC) will host a series of speakers to explore the issue of period poverty in Ireland. The event will take place in the J. M. Synge Theatre at 7pm and collections will be taken for Homeless Period Ireland and Unicef’s Poverty Fund. Donations of sanitary products can also be given to their Dignity Drive, which will take place between 12pm and 3pm in both the Arts Block and the Hamilton. All donations must be in a sealed packet or bag.
As part of International Women’s Week, DU Gender Equality Society (DUGES) has teamed up with Trinity Literary Society (LitSoc) and TCDSU Welfare to present “Unsanitary Products: The Female Body in Fiction”. This open discussion will explore the sanitisation or demonisation of the female body in literature and the representation of feminine taboo subjects and will take place in the Attic at 12pm.
At 6pm in the Arts Block, Trinity’s Workers’ Party will play host to a talk by author Fergus Whelan. Whelan will be discussing his new book May Tyrants Tremble, a biography of the founder and leader of the Society of United Irishmen, William Drennan.
If you’ve ever wanted to raise a pint and honour St Patrick for ridding Ireland of snakes, then this year’s “Snake’s Out IV” party provides the perfect opportunity. Celebrate St Patrick’s Day early this year with this collaboration between DU Snowsports, Trinity Surf Club, and DUDJ. The event will take place at the Wiley Fox and doors open at 11pm. “Earlysnake” tickets are currently available online for €5 plus the booking fee.
Valentine’s Day might have been a month ago, but Trinity’s Japanese Society is still bringing the love to campus with a celebration of the traditional “White Day” with a chocolate-making event. In Japan, women traditionally buy chocolates on Valentine’s Day, and so “White Day” offers a male equivalent. So head along to the Eliz Room at 6.30pm and create some tasty treats to show your partner, your friends or even yourself a little bit of love.
End International Women’s Week in style with DUGES and a Not So Private Parts Speakeasy. The night will see open mic performances of poetry, music, and drama in the basement of Wigwam followed by a night of dancing to the biggest feminist tunes around. Doors open at 6pm and donations will be taken throughout the night for the Dublin Rape Crisis Centre.