In an intrepid evasion of the tedium of lockdown, visual vanguard Aoife Dunne presents her digital installation Transcending Time this month. In an attempt to reconceptualise the medium in the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in, the artist has transformed a van into an ocular and auditory experience available to visit your area.
The project is commissioned by Fingal County Council Public Art Programme and allows Fingal residents to request to have Dunne’s bedecked vehicle visit their area – you merely enter your details into her website and summon her fully roving automobile to your door.
Dunne’s polymathic approach to the medium involves the salvage and reconfiguration of visual material, a manifestation of a chaotic universe. Her work subverts reality into an absurd otherworld, merging the digital with the physical in vivid technicolour.
Featured in prestige institutions and with a continent-crossing appeal, Dune challenges the traditional consumption of art. Instead of relying on digital formats for the presentation of her creations, Dunne evades the ennui of lockdown screen reliance, allowing the viewer to enjoy her works while still adhering to the social distancing restrictions advised by the government.
The van will feature custom audio as well as Dunne’s typically effulgent and lurid confections, providing the community with an exciting escape from the boredom of quarantining within their homes. The contemporary handling of the unfortunate universality of the issue facing viewers provides spectators with an opportunity to step out of their homes and enjoy a live experience.
Inhabitants of the Fingal area can request to have the installation appear at their door between June 8th and 10th. Dunne’s ambition – to evade the manner in which many artists are turning to digital platforms to display their work – provides a physical experience for spectators, surely breaking the monotony of endless days indoors and consumption of art and media through screens.
The installation is available to Fingal residents on the website transcendingtime.ie now.