Mar 30, 2021

DU Players Named Best Society of the Year at CSC Awards

The award ceremony took place online for the first time, and was hosted by founder of TCD Jazz Society David O’Doherty.

Mairead MaguireSocieties Editor
Alex Connolly for The University Times.

DU Players won the award for the best overall society tonight at the Central Societies Committee’s (CSC) annual awards ceremony, which took place virtually for the first time.

DU Players, which was also nominated for nine different awards, was also joint winner of the society choice award with DU Gamers – an award voted on by the other societies on the night.

Trinity alumnus and founder of TCD Jazz Society David O’Doherty hosted the online ceremony, keeping the 200 strong audience laughing throughout, despite the odd circumstances.


FLAC was the second most nominated society of the night, with five nominations. FLAC and DU Players were joint winners of the coveted best large society award.

DU Gamers won best medium society and best multi-day event for “Convergence: A DU Gamers Campaign”. SUAS Trinity scooped the prize for best small society.

DU History took home the award for best event for “Trinity’s Hidden Histories”. The best collaborative event award went to Asian Week, a collaboration between Korean Society, Japanese Society, DU SEAS, Arabesque Society and Chinese Society.

A new award this year – best online innovation – went to DU Photography Association (DUPA) for its virtual exhibitions, with its in-person exhibitions being a staple of its activity in a normal year.

There was stiff competition for this year’s award for best online presence, as many societies have ramped up their social media content to make up for the lack of in-person events. DU Film won the award, seeing off competition from the Free Legal Advice Centre (FLAC), Trinity Arts Festival (TAF) and DU Players.

Trinity Musical Theatre (TMT) took home the award for best virtual production for its musical Into The Woods, while the award for best community spirit went to Trinity Knitting Society.

There were two awards for individuals tonight, with Ivan Rakhmanin of FLAC winning the award for best individual, and Peter Lennon of the Traditional Music Society winning the award for the best fresher.

DU Dance took home the best poster award for its Hip-Hop Workshop poster, and best publication went to TCD Cancer Society for its cookbook.

An elaborate Zoom afterparty consisting of live performances and a great many breakout rooms followed the award ceremony.

Correction: 23:14, March 30th, 2021
An earlier version of this article incorrectly stated that FLAC won the award for best large society. In fact, FLAC shared the award with DU Players.

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