Aug 12, 2021

College Confirms Instagram Account Purporting to be Provost is Bogus

There are two accounts supposedly linked to Provost Linda Doyle, one of which is fake, Trinity said today.

Emma TaggartDeputy Editor
College has confirmed that @provostlindadoyle is not an official Instagram account for the provost

College is attempting to have an Instagram account impersonating Provost Linda Doyle removed from the site.

An account with the username @provostlindadoyle, which has over 250 followers, is followed by several Trinity societies and first uploaded to the platform in July.

College has confirmed that it is aware of the fake account.


In an email statement to The University Times, Trinity Media Relations Officer Catherine O’Mahony said: “The official Instagram account for Provost Dr Linda Doyle is @tcdprovost.”

“We are aware of another account (@provostlindadoyle) which is not official and have asked for it to be removed”, she added.

The fake account has uploaded several photos of Trinity campus and Dublin scenery in an attempt to impersonate Doyle. On August 4th it posted screenshots to its Instagram story showing direct messages to Vanessa Hudgens asking her to come and speak at Trinity.

Doyle took up office on August 1st.

In an Instagram Live Q and A with Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) President Leah Keogh yesterday, Doyle said that College was waiting for the government to issue guidelines on what kind of in-person activities will be allowed to take place in the coming academic year.

Large lectures will remain online initially when students return to classes in September.

“We will still have, for the moment, big lectures online, but we’ve signed a pact with all of the universities and institutions in Ireland, about the safe return to on campus education, and it will be the case that everyone will have some in person experience”, the provost told Keogh.

Students will not have the option to dial into lectures remotely if they are taking place in person, Doyle added, but provisions will be made on a case-by-case basis for students who cannot attend physical classes.

Lecturers are being encouraged to record in-person lectures so “everyone can have access to it”, but it’s not the case that you can say: ‘Okay I want to do this one in person I want to do this one online’”, she said.

She also said that the planned orientation week for second years – who had their entire first year online – would serve as a second freshers’ week.

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