Druid’s Latest Production Ponders What Happened Once Upon a Bridge

The show was live-streamed from the Mick Lally Theatre from February 11th to February 13th.
By Lara Monahan

A Look into Trinity’s Imperial Past with DU History

All episodes of DU History’s Many Moons Ago podcast are available to stream on Spotify and Apple Podcasts.
By Aoife Dalton

Third- and Fourth-Year Students Will be Able to Resit Assessments

Senior lecturer Kevin Mitchell wrote to students today saying he mistakenly said yesterday that no mitigation measures would be brought in for the semester-two assessment period.
By Emer Moreau

Alyn-Stacey Challenges Chair of Fellows on Petition Email

O’Farrelly emailed the Fellows last week regarding a petition that said that Alyn-Stacey should be allowed to contest the election.
By Emer Moreau

13 to Run in 2021 TCDSU Elections, With One Uncontested Race

This year’s TCDSU elections will take place fully online for the first time.
By Matt McCann and Cormac Watson

10 People Contract COVID After Goldsmith Hall Outbreak

College confirmed earlier this month that three people living in Goldsmith Hall tested positive for coronavirus.
By Emer Moreau

In Health Science Hustings, Candidates Struggle With Relatability

The next hustings will take place on Thursday, and will focus on issues in STEM.
By Emma Taggart and Cormac Watson

Majority of Semester Two Assessment to Take Place Online

College is not currently planning on implementing emergency exam measures similar to those used for the semester one exam period.
By Emer Moreau

Provostial Candidates Must Acknowledge that the Govt Has Failed Third-Level

This week saw the beginning of the Provost election campaign, with candidates taking part in two hustings.

Games Nights, Mary Kate Slattery and a Rag Week Telethon: Your Week Ahead

Societies are back in full swing this week, with lots of exciting events to keep you switching tabs.
By Maitiú Charleton