New Art and Literary Magazine Bealtaine Could Be Your Perfect Springtime Read

The first issue of this new Irish publication will become available online on April 16th.
By Rebecca Deasy-Millar

Tá Údar le Frustrachas na Foirne Ceimice faoi Rialacha Fairsinge COVID

An mhí seo caite, cuireadh an chuid is mó de na praiticiúlachtaí saotharlainne ceimice ar ceal mar gheall ar threoirlínte nua an Choláiste.

Tús le Ré Nua don Tríonóid atá i dToghchán Linda Doyle

Toghadh an tOllamh Linda Doyle mar Phropast na Tríonóide, a chiallaíonn go bhfuil sí mar an gcéad bean phropast i stair an Choláiste.

Government May Pay for Returning Erasmus Students’ Hotel Quarantine

RTÉ News reported this evening that Minister for Health Simon Harris will announce plans tomorrow on the issue.
By Orla Murnaghan

JCR President-Elect Eva Craig is Ready for Another Year of Uncertainty

Craig, who ran unopposed, told The University Times that student politics piqued her interest several years ago.
By Jody Druce

The Chemistry Staff’s Frustrations with Blanket COVID Rules are Justified

Last month, most chemistry laboratory practicals were cancelled because of new College guidelines.

Rainn Wilson, Mary Robinson and Society AGMs: Your Week Ahead

Plenty of societies will be running their AGMs this week to elect next year’s committees.
By Maitiú Charleton

The Election of Linda Doyle Marks a New Era for Trinity

Prof Linda Doyle was yesterday elected Provost of Trinity, making her the first female provost in College’s history.

Sarah Richardson’s One-Woman Show Explores the Trauma of an Abusive Relationship

‘Sun Bear’ will be broadcast live from April 11th to 13th with tickets available on the Axis Ballymun website.
By Ailbhe Noonan

Simon Harris Congratulates Doyle on Election as Provost

Prof Linda Doyle was elected Trinity’s first-ever female provost this afternoon.
By Cormac Watson