Feb 3, 2022

Harris Announces Additional €1.3 million for Student Assistance Fund

The fund provides financial support for students from disadvantaged backgrounds or those in need of emergency funds.

Seán CahillDeputy News Editor

Minister for Higher Education Simon Harris has announced an additional €1.3 million to help students experiencing financial difficulties.

This brings the total funding for the Student Assistance Fund to €18.5 million for the 2021/22 academic year.

The fund is designed to provide ongoing financial support to students from disadvantaged backgrounds and to assist other students who require emergency financial assistance.


It can be used to pay for books and learning materials, rent, utility bills, food, essential travel, childcare, medical costs and costs associated with financial difficulties such as bereavement. Other costs may also be covered by the fund and are assessed on a case-by-case basis.

Harris said in a press statement: “I am delighted to be in a position to allocate this additional once-off funding to support students who find themselves in need of financial supports due to the COVID-19 pandemic”.

“I have listened to the voice of students, who have clearly articulated that COVID-19 and the increased cost of living is having a major impact on the financial situation of students and their families”, he said.

“If you are a higher education student and you are having difficulties in paying bills, buying food or books or other classroom materials or even having difficulties in covering the cost of childcare as you return to campus, I suggest that you talk to the access office in your higher education institution.”

“They will work with you to see if you can be supported financially through the Student Assistance Fund in meeting the costs associated with your day-to-day participation in higher education”, he added.

The fund is distributed to higher education institutions by the Higher Education Authority (HEA) and the higher education institutions are responsible for allocating funds to students who are most in need.

Students can apply for financial support from the Student Assistance Fund through their college’s access office.

Last October, Harris announced €5 million in funding for additional mental health supports for colleges across Ireland. The funding was to pay for additional student counsellors and psychologists, as well as training for university staff to help them refer students to the appropriate services.

In a press statement at the time, he said: “The long-term impact of the pandemic on young people’s mental health has the potential to be significant.”

“We invested €5 million in services and increasing staff numbers last year and this additional €5 million will enable the continued provision and enhancement of student counselling services and the roll-out of innovative mental health and wellbeing supports for students and training for staff.”

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