Mar 1, 2022

Fire Brigades Called to 1937 Reading Room

Alarm was raised when a plume of smoke was seen, which likely came from a disposed cigarette stub .

Emer MoreauEditor
Gisèle Scanlon

Three fire brigades were called to Trinity this morning after a plumage of smoke was seen in a vent in the 1937 Reading Room.

Fire fighters believe the smoke was coming from a cigarette stub which was thrown out near the building.

The building was evacuated and the fire brigades left at 11:25.


Trinity’s campus is supposed to be smoke-free with three exceptional zones for smoking. College employs a number of student ambassadors to enforce the smoking ban.

No damage was done and no one was injured.

The 1937 Reading Room is for postgraduates only. It houses old PhD dissertations and decanted materials.

The building is shaped in an octagon, comprising a lower basement, basement, reading room level and upper gallery levels.

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