Oct 6, 2022

A Note to Our Readers Regarding Our Relationship With the Irish Times

To Our Readers:

In recent years, the Irish Times has taken an editorial stance platforming transphobia. This includes the publication of several transphobic opinion pieces, one of which suggested that a gender critical attitude was “a question of reasonableness and common sense”. Another stated that it is “vital that we discuss” taking a less affirmative approach towards gender identity.

The University Times is vehemently opposed to this. We do not believe that trans rights are up for debate. No student should be made to feel inferior or invalidated on the basis of their identity.


We are aware of the harm our continued association with the Irish Times has caused to our readers, staff and members of the wider College community. Effective immediately, we have made the decision to stop printing with the Irish Times, and we have found a new printer. We also remain committed to our previous decision to pull all advertisements for the Irish Times.

We do not want any prospective reader or writer to feel excluded based on our affiliations. The University Times stands in solidarity with the trans community and strives to be an inclusive, accessible and welcoming place for all.

Ailbhe Noonan

Clara Roche
Deputy Editor

Michael Archer
Assistant Editor

Charlie Hastings
Assistant Editor

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