October has begun and brought with it a whole host of society events for you to enjoy! With spooky season well under way, make sure to avoid the spookiest thing of all this week: missing out on a week of guests, games and jams!
DU Players is bringing a new play to life this week. Buy your tickets now to Harpagon, a twist on Molière’s 17th-century play, The Miser. Harpagon is written and directed by Michael Lucey and will be performed in the Players Theatre every day at 1pm.
For those who are more interested in international relations, the Society For International Affairs at Trinity College (SOFIA) is putting on a “Working in Diplomacy” discussion. The French Deputy Ambassador Marianne Barkan-Cowdy and UK Deputy Ambassador Elin Burns will lead the discussion, which will take place from 6pm–7pm in the Davis Theatre.
If you find yourself gazing at the stars (or want to live out your Elton John “Rocket Man” fantasy), the Trinity Space Society is hosting the “Rocketry Introduction Talk” at 6pm in the MacNeill Theatre in the Hamilton. The discussion will centre around the society’s plan to build a rocket this school year.
At 8pm, Trinity Music Society is hosting a Jam Session upstairs at Chaplins Bar. Attendees are invited to bring whatever acoustic instruments they have and join in on the music.
Members of the College Historical Society (the Hist) will use their debating skills in a slightly less formal setting as they take to The Workman’s Club at 9pm for a karaoke night. Tickets are €4 for Hist members and €7 for non-members, and they include pre-drinks and snacks in the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB) Hist Convo room.
Debating and sports culture will collide at 7.30pm in the GMB, where the Hist will debate the motion, “this house would boycott the world cup”. Come along to enjoy a discussion on the economic and cultural ramifications of one of the biggest sporting events in the world.
The Dublin University Gender Equality Society (DUGES) is collaborating with the DU Pirate Party (PirateSoc) and the Trinity LGBTQ+ Society (QSoc) for a screening of Our Flag Means Death, everyone’s favourite gay pirate “romcom”. The screening will be in room 4050B in the Arts Block from 7pm–9pm.
The DU Archaeological Society is bringing together a blast from the past with guest speaker Angelo Robledo, who is giving a talk titled “Sticks and Stones: Experimental Archaeology and Palaeolithic Spear Throwers” at 6pm in the Robert Emmet Theatre.
The University Philosophical Society (the Phil) is tackling big questions with its debate on the motion, “this house as god would interfere” in the GMB at 7.30pm. The debate will be followed by a post-debate reception.
DU Gamers is putting on a game night for Magic: The Gathering Commander at 6pm in the Goldsmith Hall SU Cafe. Come along for a fun night of gaming and strategy!
Finally, the last day to enjoy the Arabesque Society’s art exhibition is this Saturday, October 8th. The exhibition includes the work of five artists and is located at 156 Thomas Street, The Liberties, Dublin 8.