October is here! That’s right: for those who’ve missed the memo, we’re halfway through that most spooky month of the year. More importantly, reading week is now only a few days away! The student body will be receiving a well-deserved break after their numerous weeks of hard work- honestly I forget how long we’ve been here already, but it’s definitely even a while. Finally, students will be able to go to the Pav for a pint or two, sit outside of the Arts Block listlessly smoking rollies, and maybe even go out for a night on the town. Some of you may even be ditching the rest of us, without so much as a care as to how we’re going make it. How amazing. But before the fun begins, Trinity’s societies have some fantastic events on offer to set the mood for the rest of the month.
To start the week off, Fashion Society is hosting “Life Size” at the Sound House, where you’ll have the chance to start Halloween off with a bang. Puzzy Wrangler is playing, which always makes for an exciting night. Attendees are asked to dress up as one of their favorite childhood icons, “DEAD OR ALIVE.” Tickets are on sale on Eventbrite starting at €8.
If that sounds like a bit too much for you- it is a Monday night after all- Card Society will be hosting their weekly Cash Monday event, where you can play poker while losing money! The event starts at 6pm in the Eliz Room, House 6, and attendees are advised to arrive early.
On Tuesday morning Ellie Goulding will be attending the Law Society as a speaker. If you’re a student who identifies as Gen-Z you’ve heard Ellie Goulding before and you know it, and if not, you’ve still definitely heard Ellie Goulding before. As a result of her massive appeal, Law Soc is urging students to show up early to get a seat. The event starts at 10am, so hopefully you’re well recovered from Puzzy Wrangler by then.
If you aren’t going to see Ellie Goulding, the Computer Science Soc will be hosting a job fair for those “thinking about the future.” The fair starts at 11:30 and will be held in the Fitzgerald library.
The Knit Soc will be hosting a Stitch and Bitch on Wednesday evening from 5-7pm. For those not in the know, the event consists of knitting or crocheting and spilling the tea. For those still unconvinced, knitting is really easy to pick up, and knitters are renowned for having the best craic.
On Thursday the Afro Caribbean Society will be hosting their annual Letters to the Motherland event, in which a panel of experts will discuss various topics relating to the Afro Caribbean experience. The society will be offering refreshments, and the event starts at 6:00, with tickets going for €2 for non-members.
Later, the Food & Drink society, in collaboration with Ents, will be hosting the ‘Halloween Howler’ at The Button Factory. ‘Who’s on for music?’ you might be wondering. Luckily for all, it’s DUDJ. If you’re going, make sure to wear a costume, as the scariest dressed attendee will be winning a prize. Tickets are selling on Eventbrite for €5 and the event starts at 11pm, going until late.
On Friday night the Hist will be hosting a celebratory dinner in recognition of their recently gained Guinness World Record for Oldest Student Society. Tickets are €20, and if that makes you balk, just remember that this is a once in a lifetime event. How often have you been peripherally associated with a Guinness World Record? And with all your good friends from the Hist? Now’s your chance. Don’t miss out.