On the night of November 17th, the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB) was illuminated by green, purple and red hues from within. This stunning view was for Trinity Arts Festival’s annual GMB takeover. This year, various Trinity societies came together to curate the theme of “Anachronic Ages” filled with art activities, musical performances and handmade decorations.
The “Anachronic Ages” arts night took visitors on a trip through time as they walked through the GMB. Immediately upon entering, ambient lighting and the subtle sounds of the string quartet greeted everyone. The first room on the ground floor of the GMB kicked off the time-travelling adventure. Adorned with foliage and bright green lights, visitors entered the era of Irish Folklore. In the centre of the room, an audience gathered around traditional Irish dancing and music. Ailbhe McCormick, the chairperson of Trinity Irish Dancing Society, says she was immediately impressed by the exuberant atmosphere in the GMB. “Coming in and listening to the string quartet was my favourite thing ever, I’m going back in as soon as I can”, she explained.
Following the sound of the Trinity String Quartet, visitors entered the next room of the GMB. The green hues had shifted to a vibrant purple, with the time of Ancient Greece present. The centre table was decorated with candles, flora and traditional Greek busts. Chairs surrounded the string quartet, allowing listeners to take a minute to sit down and enjoy the whimsical atmosphere. After taking a listen, visitors could funnel up the staircase to visit the Renaissance Era room. The GMB staircase, previously large and looming, feels warm and welcoming as handmade decor rests on the handrails and music lingers in the background. The Renaissance room, yet another space with purple ambient lighting, hosted face painting and yet another live band. Ruby Rodgers, representing the Circus Society at the event, was shocked by the number of talented performers. “It’s just amazing to see how many bands they have performing, it must be every musical society on campus here. It’s been really cool”, Rodgers said. Later on in the evening, the musical talent shifted to literary creativity with an open mic for spoken word poetry hosted by the Literary Society.
The next room took visitors to the 1920s, engulfed in red lighting. The Gender Equality Society worked alongside Trinity Arts Festival (TAF) to assemble a slew of craft activities. Participants decorated matchboxes with paint, dried flowers and tape for an antique-looking final product. Alix Sentuc, TAF Night Events subcommittee member, glued colourful wallpaper on the inside of a matchbox as she recalled the atmosphere of the evening. “The vibes are really nice and very social, there’s a lot for every interest”, she explained.
Visitors could then make their way to the modern era as they entered the 1970s themed dance floor. This room boasted hula-hoops, an eclectic band and lots of glitter all over. Visitors were truly able to “bond, relax and take a step back from college” with the welcoming, fun ambience, explains fourth-year Ivie Okome, Chair of the Gender Equality Society . After taking the final flight of stairs in the GMB, the “future” awaits. A DJ and vibrant blue lighting surrounding other-worldly sculptures welcomes visitors to whatever the next century has in store.
The tight-knit, calming art environment created a special night for all involved, whether that entailed making crafts, listening to the string quartet, or performing spoken word poetry. This creative walk through time embodied the importance of art, and the connections it fosters around us every day.