Where Are All The Christmas Sandwiches?

Ella Hussey discusses the best places, or lack thereof, to get your study break Christmas snack.
By Ella Hussey

Placing the Arts at the Heart of Irish Life

A recent injection of funding into the Arts Council provides enormous opportunities to break down barriers for emerging Irish artists.
By Sarah Browne

Enright and Kilroy lead thought-provoking discussion at Dublin Book Festival

During the panel, they discussed their recent releases, The Wren, The Wren and Soldier Sailor
By Molly Wetsch

In Conversation with Irish Punk Band girlfriend.

Following the release of their debut album, Sadie Loughman sat down with Hana Lamari of girlfriend. to discuss the band’s musical inspiration, the production of their album and their experience gigging in Dublin
By Sadie Loughman

Banshees of Individualism

Eliora Abramson explores what the Oscar-nominated film can teach us about connection
By Eliora Abramson

Sense and Sensibility in the Sound House

Evie Dolan reviews and discuss the successes and surprises of LitSoc and DU History's Regency Ball
By Evie Dolan

TAF Takeover Takes GMB Guests Through the Ages

Ila Raso recaps and reviews the annual takeover of the GMB by the Trinity Arts Festival
By Ila Raso

Bring Life to Your Lunchtime at Bewley’s Cafe Theatre

Of A Midnight Meeting transports the audience to an eerie atmosphere of magic and seances
By Ella Hussey

Training to Become the Artist

Laura O’Callaghan speaks with Chloe O’Reilly about the Dublin theatre scene, training years and her Abby debut
By Laura O'Callaghan

My Family and Other Animals

Hosanna Boulter examines how the pressure on spending time with family at Christmas can be tough to grapple with if your parents are divorced
By Hosanna Boulter