TCD Renters’ Solidarity Network staged a demonstration on campus protesting Trinity’s decision to appeal the Residential and Tenancies Board (RTB) ruling against the overnight guests policy.
In a hearing held on July 9th, 2024, the RTB found that the Trinity overnight guest policy, which limits students living on campus to 1 overnight guest who must be registered in advance, was in breach of tenant rights.
A college spokesperson later confirmed that Trinity would appeal the ruling “in an effort to obtain clarity on the matter”, arguing that on campus accommodation requires different rules in order to maintain a quiet and orderly environment ideal for students who need to concentrate on their work.
In a letter written to the Junior Dean, TCD Renters’ Solidarity Network condemned Trinity’s decision to appeal the ruling.
“This action showcases extreme disregard for the concerns of students and for the legal obligations which Trinity College has as a housing provider”, the letter stated. “We, the undersigned students and the TCD Renters’ Solidarity Network, respectfully demand that Trinity College rescind its appeal of the Residential Tenancies Board ruling, and respect the legal precedent established giving students a right to privacy, autonomy, and respect in their accommodation”
The letter was signed by 213 students.
“Students pay thousands upon thousands of euro per month just to make by in an accommodation that does not respect them as adults, and infantilizes them through the overnight guest policy” one speaker noted in a speech delivered outside the Junior Dean’s office. They continued “This policy […] is unenforceable. That was the ruling of the Residential Tenancies and yet Trinity College Dublin still demands that it instate this paternalistic overnight guest policy”.
The members of TCD Renters’ Solidarity Network taped the letter to the door of the Junior Dean’s office after attempts to speak to him in person failed.

The demonstration was attended by former Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) president László Molnárfi, who suggested reaching out to the security guards’ union.
“Trade unions can protect workers and issue directives to workers to disregard certain bits in contracts, as well as disregard certain orders by the administration” he explained.