In Focus
Sep 19, 2024

Your Guide to the Students Union

Saskia McDonogh Mooney explains the ins and outs of TCDSU.

Saskia McDonogh MooneySenior Editor
Photo by Aiesha Wong.

For anyone looking for assistance in issues surrounding learning conditions, discrimination, classism, and inequality, the Trinity College Dublin Student Union (TCDSU) will be that voice. They are incredibly involved in what is happening around campus, and are elected by the students themselves. There are many ways to become involved or reach out for help, all of which can be found on the TCDSU website:


On a course/school/faculty level the Class Rep is who will champion students who need assistance with exams, lecturers, timetables and more. They will contact the head of departments and deans for you. The School Convenor is who manages the Class Reps, and there is only one of them assigned to each of Trinity’s twenty-four schools. They are who will represent the students at School Executive meetings. Above them are the three Faculty Convenors and their Deputies. 



Every two weeks there is a Union Forum held for members to report on their work, direct the student union’s campaign strategy, discuss items for the SU Council and ensure the union is managed properly. The SU council is held seven times a year and is the main-policy making institution. 


There is then the Sabbatical Board made up of six members who all have more specialised responsibilities. 


First, there is the Student Union President who oversees union finances, management, and campaigns. This year’s president is Jenny Maguire whose email is [email protected]


Next is the Education Officer who organises union representation at that Course/School/Faculty level and provides support on a wide range of academic issues. The Education Officer is Eoghan Gilroy who’s email is [email protected]


Then there is the Welfare & Equality Officer who looks after the welfare interests of all Trinity students on an individual basis by representing their needs to committees like the University Board and subcommittees such as Healthy Trinity. The Welfare and Equality Officer is Hamza Bana who’s email is [email protected]


The Communications & Marketing Officer oversees commercial sponsorship for the union campaigns and services while also managing the TCDSU website, social media, printed materials, and communications strategy. The Comms and Marketing Officer is Beth Strahan who’s email is [email protected]


Finally there is the Ents Officer who organises social events for Trinity students. The Ents Officer chairs the Ents Committee which puts together things like pub crawls and live gigs, among other things. The Ents Officer is Peader Walsh whose email is [email protected]


Pádraig Mac Brádaigh is the Oifigeach Gaeilge, a new role which was created last year to promote the Irish language in all aspects of campus life. A fierce language activist, he is available to help you with all things to do with the promotion of the Irish language. You can reach him at [email protected]


Though not a Sabbatical Officer, Brídín Ní Fhearraigh-Joyce is the editor of University Times. Her emails [email protected] if you are interested in getting involved in Ireland’s best newspaper. 


The TCDSU is a resource that is always available to students, even if the office is only open from 9:30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. They are the students’ voice to the administration, and are very willing to lobby on their behalf. Do not be afraid to contact them and have a great year!

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