The TCDSU President election race first count is through with RON in first place with 1,187 votes constituting 38% of the total 3,114 valid votes cast. Behind RON, Séan Thim O’Leary is in second place with 907 votes or 29% of the votes cast, with Patrick Keegan in third place with 557 votes with 18% of the vote.
Giovanni Li has been eliminated from the first count. The count is going to continue through the night.
A recent poll conducted by The University Times predicted a very close race, but Thim O’Leary took the top spot securing 31.33% of the vote and Keegan securing 31.18%, with just one vote between them. RON was predicted to take third place with 20% of the vote and finally Li taking 17%. This poll was counted before the RON campaign had gained much traction.