Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU) held a referendum this week, proposing a change to Chapter 1.5 of the constitution. Following three days of voting and approximately 35 minutes of counting it has been announced that the wording of chapter 1.5 will be changed.
Chapter 1.5 which previously read “The Union shall pursue these objectives independent of any political, racial or religious ideology”, will now read “The Union shall pursue these objectives independent of any political party or religious organisation”.
Additionally there will be the insertion of an additional clause into Chapter 8.1 of the constitution, reading “The Union may only adopt a position of no confidence in a government as a matter of long-term policy”.
838 students voted in the referendum, resulting in a turnout rate of approximately 3.8%. Of these votes, there were 468 yes votes and 333 no votes, meaning that the yes vote won by 58% to 42%.
Harry Johnston, the coordinator of the yes campaign told The University Times: “The approval of the recent referendum is the culmination of the work of many individuals over several years. This is a signifigant step forwards in the ability of TCDSU/AMLCT to advocate for all TCD students and to oppose anti-student policies more effectively. Many thanks to all TCD students who took the time to vote, to all the Electoral Commission for their assistance and to the vote yes team who gave their all to make this happen. Your Union is uncensored.”