Mar 12, 2025

Hiking Society Wins the Best Overall Society at the Central Society Committee Awards

Comedy ensued last night at the CSC awards ceremony at the Radisson Blue Hotel.

Brídín Ní Fhearraigh-JoyceEditor in Chief
Photo by Céilí Ní Raithilidh.

The annual CSC awards ceremony took place at the Radisson Blue Hotel last night to great fanfare.

The winner of the best society awards are as follows: The newly recognised Filipino society won best small society, Qsoc – the College’s LGBTQ+ society won best medium society, and Trinity orchestra won the award for the best large society.

Trinity Orchestra were accoladed heavily: They won best large society, best trip – with their excursion to the University of Milan’s to perform Aula Magna – and the award for best Fresher went to Trinity Orchestra’s Sinead Fleming.


DUPA’s (Dublin University Photography Society) also had a triple sweep: Rory O’Sullivan Sexton was presented the award for the best individual for their work as Equipment Officer. DUPA and DUDJ also won the award for best collaborative event for their nightlife photography event called “one more tune” which took place in the Douglas Hyde Gallery, and DUPA also won best poster for their exhibition “Play, Ode to Childhood”.

The best event award was presented by Linda Doyle to the Literary Society for their murder mystery dinner. The best multi-day event award went to DU History Society for their Palestinian lecture series which hosted academic lectures over multiple weeks.

The Filipino society – which was recognised last year – were decorated with the societies’ choice award which was voted upon on the night by society members. Their win was lauded by CSC Chair Faith Olopade who praised how far they have come.

The Women’s Health Society also had success – having been awarded the prize for best online presence and the judges choice for strong overall submissions.

Best publication was awarded to An Cumann Gaelach’s Irish language magazine “Tuathal” which is edited this year Selma Ćatibušić  – who was also shortlisted for best individual.

Trinity Hiking was given a second award for best postgraduate engagement, as well as best overall society. DU Modern Languages won the award for best Irish engagement.

Not surprisingly – but well-deserved: The DU NeuroDiversity society (DUNES) won the award for best disability inclusion and the Environmental society won the award for sustainability.

Outbreaks of laughter were heard when a comedian from DU Comedy took to the stage and pronounced Trinity’s Pool society as “the safest place for white men on campus”, the S2S society as having “created the most inappropriate relationships on campus”, and DU comedy society as “the society that commands the least respect”. DU Players – which claims to be the largest student theatre society in the world – were given an alternative award of fake money for being the society most likely to treat the CSC as an ATM.

The CSC consulted the Ability Co-op to make the venue accessible. Faith Olopade closed the night with “you should all be really proud of yourselves, because you have changed a students life out there”.

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