Jul 2, 2014

Samuel Riggs Now Editor of The University Times

New TCDSU Communications Officer, Samuel Riggs, will now take up his role as editor of the SAAI Publication of the Year


Leanna Byrne | Previous Editor

Samuel Riggs, the new Communications Officer for Trinity College Dublin Students’ Union (TCDSU), will now take over as editor of The University Times from previous Communications Officer Leanna Byrne.

Riggs, who won the communications race during the SU Elections back in February of this year, will now act as editor-in-chief of The University Times for the next year. His plans for the year include updates and enhancements to the website, holding a number of workshops and masterclasses for students interested in journalism, the appointment of a number of new correspondents and the creation of a UT style guide.


For the next few months, The University Times hopes to develop its strategy to generate advertising revenue and to ensure a consistent design across all platforms.

“I’m looking forward to the year ahead and implementing changes to the newspaper and the communications office,” said Riggs. “There’s great scope for improvement and ensuring the quality of The University Times will be upheld to the high regard it currently maintains. UT is an outlet for the student voice and I will ensure that it continues to upholds its high reporting standards and the freedom of expression in student media.”

Riggs will be the last TCDSU Communications Officer to be elected both a union representative and editor of The University Times as a constitutional referendum was passed this year which included a split between the two roles. Next year a sixth union officer will be elected as editor and will be responsible for the union’s editorially independent newspaper. The split was proposed as the union’s constitutional review found that there was a conflict of responsibilities in the communications office.

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