With the start-of-term excitement wearing off, why not spice up your week with one of these interesting society events. In the week before the second most important week of the year in the society calendar, there’s plenty of events to entertain yourself at around the College.
Paint ‘N’ Sip with VisArts:
Monday marks the world premiere of the first fully painted feature film, Loving Vincent, about the life of renowned artist Vincent Van Gogh, which is being released in The Savoy cinema this evening. To celebrate this event Trinity Vis Arts is hosting Paint ‘N’ Sip. Everyone attending gets to try out their own dab hand at some brush work, after which everyone will be heading to the cinema to watch the film. Anyone interested should head over to House Six at 5pm for some drinks and painting madness.
Deer Walk with DUPA and Zoo Soc:
DUPA and DU Zoological Society (ZooSoc) are teaming up for what is sure to be an incredible event on Tuesday. At 5pm both societies will be heading out to Phoenix Park to observe and photograph some of Dublin’s more obscure wildlife. There will be a chance to witness some rutting, where male deer crash their antlers together as a demonstration of strength. ZooSoc will also be bringing some bat detectors so that when dusk arrives you might catch sight of some of these flappy creatures.
Yoga with Trinity Yoga Society:
Naturally, all of the hipsters among you will have jumped on the avocado-on-toast bandwagon long ago. So why not add yoga to that list of hipster activities? Yoga is good for both the mind and body. It chills you out while enhancing your ability to concentrate. Membership for Trinity Yoga Society costs five euro, which includes a free first class, which usually costs four euro. Yoga classes on Wednesdays are at 1pm and 5.30 pm in the Atrium.
Caffeinated Conversations:
The third in a series of “Caffeinated Conversations” hosted by Trinity Politics Society takes place at 1pm on Thursday, on the top floor of House Six. For anyone who wants to discuss current affairs and enjoys a healthy debate, this is the event for you. All opinions are welcome. This space is one where free speech is welcomed and you can agree to disagree with your friends.
Casual Drawing with Animation Society:
This Friday, why not get in touch with your creative side by heading over to the weekly Casual Drawing sessions held by Trinity Animation Society? These informal classes are for people of all levels and take place at 5pm in House Six. The society provides a space where students can come along to draw anything that interests them. During the class, advice on how to draw a specific subject is also provided.