The closer we get to the end of the term, more and more society AGMs are going on across campus. Why not get involved with a society and run for a position next year? Have a look at the Central Societies Committee (CSC) Facebook page for the different AGMs running this week.
Hopefully, you’ll have effectively utilised the Bank Holiday Monday to get some of those pesky essays or assignments out of the way and now have some free time to enjoy some of the events going on this week.
At 7.30pm in the Graduates Memorial Building (GMB), DU Comedy will be hosting its Comedy Graduation Gig! Each semester the society takes a few aspiring comedians under their wings and helps them to prepare for their official foray into performing! Come along, have a few laughs and support Katie Baumann, Jimmy Barvick, Carol McGill, and David Crowley and host Manus Cronin!
The Intervarsity Poetry Slam will be hosted by NCAD this Wednesday evening at 6pm. Over 60 poets applied, and that number has been whittled down to the final 14 contestants, including Trinity’s very own Aoife Kearins and Kit Marshall! Poetry Ireland and Éigse Éireann will be partnering up to present to you the finest student spoken-word acts, representing colleges from across the Ireland & Scotland for an amazing celebration of the art of poetry.
Trinity Literary Society (Lit Soc) and DU Gamers Society are joining forces to bring you an RPG Writing class! What is RPG, you ask? RPG stands for Role Playing Game. Lit Soc’s a Night at Hogwarts event earlier in the term was an example of a live action role play. If you enjoyed this event or if you enjoy immersive storytelling, come along to this event at 7pm on Thursday evening. The location for this event is yet to be confirmed, so follow the Facebook event page for updates!
This Friday and Saturday, the University College Dublin Student Centre will play host to the third annual All-Ireland Musical Theatre Intervarsities. For the second year in a row, Trinity Musical Theatre will be taking part in the competition and exhibiting their talents. Tickets for students are €5.