With assessment season in full swing, every Trinity student is looking for a way to procrastinate. The huge number of events being hosted by Trinity’s societies in the coming week make it easier than ever. So, if you feel like logging out of Blackboard or putting that essay off for a little bit longer, here are some suggestions as to how you might occupy yourself.
Trinity Vincent de Paul (VDP) is hosting a workshop on homelessness and the housing crisis at 6.30pm this Monday. Vincent DePaul representatives, Cliodhna Carthy and Jason Flynn, will give a presentation on these topics, before taking part in a Q&A session. Homelessness is an issue that we all need to educate ourselves on and attending an event like this is a great way to start. A segment of the evening will be dedicated to how students can support those experiencing homelessness.
Today is the day to sell your soul to the corporate world. Dublin University Business and Economics Society is hosting a CV workshop, led by LinkedIn’s very own Alannah Higgins. If you want to get your CV in shape in time for internship application season, then come along to this event at 6pm.
However, if you are more drawn towards job opportunities in STEM, then DU General Science Society’s (SciSoc) career evening might be more up your street. SciSoc has invited a range of Trinity science graduates to talk about the various pathways open to students of science. The society will also be hosting a Q&A session to answer any query you may have about your bright future, while the rest of us cry in the Arts Block.
Trinity College Law Society and DU Players have teamed up for what is set to be the most bizarre and exciting event of the week. If you want to see how these two committees have managed to plan an event that involves Ivanka Trump, Fungi the Dolphin, and Trinity Professor Neville Cox, then you better make yourself available this Wednesday at 8.30pm for the Mock Trial Murder Mystery.
The Society For International Affairs is hosting a panel discussion on “Human Rights In The Time Of COVID-19”, at 5pm. Their impressive lineup of international guests includes: Michael O’Flaherty, director of the EU Agency for Fundamental Rights, Liam Herrick, executive director of the Irish Council for Civil Liberties, Roojin Habibi, international lawyer, consultant and researcher, and István Hegedűs, chairman of the Hungarian Europe Society. This panel will discuss the right to healthcare, the impact of coronavirus on refugee movements, and how the ongoing pandemic has affected human rights obligations globally.
Finally, if you’re looking for a way to unwind after a long week nine (I still can’t believe we’re this far into the semester), VDP’s weekly games night might just be the answer. Starting at 8.30pm, this event is a fun way to meet new people in a relaxed environment. From Among Us to Pictionary, it’s up to you whether you want to keep it chill or let your competitive streak show.