Feb 15, 2021

10 People Contract COVID After Goldsmith Hall Outbreak

College confirmed earlier this month that three people living in Goldsmith Hall tested positive for coronavirus.

Emer MoreauDeputy Editor

A total of 10 people contracted coronavirus after an outbreak in Goldsmith Hall was reported two weeks ago.

Initially, three residents in Goldsmith Hall were confirmed to have tested positive for the virus, leading College to organise tests for all residents and support staff there. One other person living on the main campus tested positive.

In an email statement to The University Times, Trinity media relations officer Catherine O’Mahony said: “I can confirm that ten people tested positive arising from the Goldsmith Hall outbreak – not all were residents of the Hall.”


“It’s our policy in the interest of student and staff privacy not to comment on individual COVID cases aside from those relating to an outbreak”, she added.

Earlier this month, the College Health Service said it was experiencing a “significant increase” in the number of people presenting with coronavirus-like symptoms.

In an email to residents, Dr David McGrath, the director of the College Health Service, said: “I would strongly encourage you to familiarise yourself with the current regulations issued by the Government regarding Covid-19.”

“There has been a significant increase in people presenting to College Health with Covid-19 type symptoms”, McGrath said, “in addition to a number of positive cases on Campus”.

“In particular, in addition to regular handwashing, cough etiquette, physical distancing and face coverings, it is critical that people from different apartments do not meet up socially and that no one enters an apartment where they are not residing.”

In light of this increase, the Accommodation Office asked residents in a separate email to confirm whether they were staying on campus on February 3rd or 4th.

Speaking to The University Times at the time, O’Mahony said the Accommodation Office was “seeking to get a full picture of who is on campus”.

On January 20th, Trinity announced that students who have arrived in College accommodation but decide to return home for semester two between January 24th and February 28th will only be charged to the date that they leave their room.

Those arriving into College accommodation for the first time will be released without penalty from their license.

Students who terminate their license agreements before February 28th will not be charged administration fees. Those who lived in College accommodation last semester will be charged up to January 23rd.

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