NUIG Postgraduates Set Up PhD, Postdoctoral Workers Rights Group
The group says it's ‘concerned with making sure we are treated fairly as researchers and are recognised as workers’.
Trinity Sets Up Emergency Group to Manage Financial Risks of Coronavirus
College has already implemented a freeze on staff recruitment as a result of the ‘significant financial consequences’ of the coronavirus.
Halls Residents Face Move Into Single Block, Despite Coronavirus Case
Students staying past May 17th will have to move into one block so College can close other apartment blocks to ‘conserve energy and costs’.
No Decision Yet on When, How College Will Re-Open Accommodation Next Year
Trinity said plans to re-open its accommodation remain ‘under consideration in light of the ongoing challenges related to Covid-19’.
It’s Hard to Understand Trinity’s Optimism About its Capital Projects
College says it’s still pushing ahead with plans for TTEC and E3, despite huge financial fears as a result of the coronavirus.
Tá Sé Deacair Misneach an Choláiste ina Thionscadail Chaipitiúla a Thuiscint
Tá sé ráite ag an gColáiste go rachfar ar aghaidh le pleananna le haghaidh TTEC agus E3, in ainneoin faitís airgeadais de bharr an choróinvíris.
We’ve Got Leaving Cert Clarity – Now Students Need Certainty From Colleges
Trinity must start putting in place specific plans for incoming first years – and communicate them quickly and clearly.
Tá Soiléireacht Ardteiste Againn – Teastaíonn Cinnteacht ó Mhic Léinn Anois
Ní mór don Choláiste beartais ar leith a thabhairt isteach dóibh siúd a beidh sa chéad bhliain – agus cumarsáid thapaidh agus éifeachtach a dhéanamh leo.
Fianna Fáil Will Seek State Funding for Extra College Places if in Government
Fianna Fáil will seek to secure funding for extra college places amid fears that calculated grades could cost students from disadvantaged areas.
Clarity on Exams, But Muddier Waters for Colleges
The government's leaving certificate announcement today leaves colleges scratching their heads on many questions.