Medicine Exams to Start Tomorrow, With Students Given Two Days Notice
Clinical exams – now worth 25 per cent of students' grade for the year – will start tomorrow due to the spread of coronavirus.
Not True: False Information Tells Students They’ll Get 65% if Exams Cancelled Over Coronavirus
Trinity today confirmed that no information about students receiving 65 per cent was published on the website.
With TMT, Jesus Christ Superstar Tackles the Power of the Mob
The society's production of Jesus Christ Superstar kicks off on Wednesday.
Trinity Cancels Physical Launch of Strategic Plan
The plan will now be launched on a live stream, due to concerns over the spread of the coronavirus.
The Burkean’s Cultural Warfare is Toxic – But USI’s Deputy Fanned the Flames
It’s hard to believe USI’s second in command was so willing to give up student names to a faceless body that said it wanted to ‘slap them around’.
Early St Patrick’s and a Women’s Week Bonanza: Your Week Ahead
Celebrate International Women's Week with a slew of events to celebrate female empowerment.
College Rents Have Become Toxic – and Universities Are Risking Their Reputations
University heads have employed a startlingly unrepentant tone on controversial campus rent increases.
Nimh ag Baint le Cogaíocht Chultúrtha an Burkean, Gríosaithe ag Ionadaí USI
Is deacar a chreidiúint go raibh leas-cheannaire USI chomh sásta ainmneacha mac léinn a thabhairt chuig eagraíocht anaithnid a bhí ag iarriadh iad a ‘bhualadh’.
Tá Cíos sna Coláistí Nimhneach Anois – Cáil na n-Ollscoileanna i mBaol
Ghlac ceannairí ollscoile le seasamh neamhleithscéalach maidir le harduithe cíosa conspóideacha.
USI Investigates Deputy President After Burkean Expose
Michelle Byrne seemed willing to hand over the names of right-wing activists to a purported anti-fascist group.