
New Dublin Metro Line Could Disrupt Trinity’s Physics Research

Dublin's MetroLink line is planned to run under Trinity's School of Physics.
By Emer Moreau

Trinity Introduces Gender Neutral Option on Official Records

Students will soon be able to opt for gender neutral pronouns in official College records.
By Emer Moreau

A Corporation Wants Our Genome Data, While Universities are Denied Access

When it comes to genomics, academics say the government is prioritising commercial benefit over medical research.
By Cillian Gartlan

TCDSU Must Organise a Campus Rent Strike Within the Year

If an on-campus rent strike succeeded in Trinity, it would set an extraordinary precedent, writes Cormac Watson.
By Cormac Watson

Trinity’s 300-Year-Old Library Set for Major Overhaul

Major changes for the Old Library will involve the creation of a new research space and a move for some old College manuscripts.
By Aisling Marren

Students Set Up Trinity Extinction Rebellion Group

An Extinction Rebellion affinity group has been established on Trinity's campus.
By Katy Amos

Trinity Staff Set to Get Consent Training This Year

Consent classes have already been given to some staff members, with tutors also set to receive the training this year.
By Jordan Nann

Crafts and Consent with TCDSU and VisArts

Get down to the Pav tomorrow afternoon for an event offering arts, crafts and conversations about consent.
By Zahra Khan

Pav Debacle Shows How Toxic Luxury Accommodation Has Become

Students will no longer tolerate college bodies partnering with the likes of LIV Student and Aparto.

Taispeánann Corraíl an Pav Cé Chomh Nimhneach Is Atá Lóistín Soláisteach Faoi Láthair

Níl mic léinn sásta glacadh le comhphártaíocht idir eagraíochtaí an Chóláiste agus comhlachtaí ar nós LIV Student agus Aparto a thuilleadh.