Minister for Higher Education Mary Mitchell O'Connor launched two programmes designed to highlight the benefits of STEM to women.
By Alice Payne
Dúradh tráth nár chabhraigh sé. Ach tá gearán mar gheall ar an ghéarchéim ardoideachais in Éirinn ag fás seachtain i ndiaidh seachtaine.
Is soineanta a rá nach ndéantar aithris ar chultúr Meiriceánach na gcumann go minic ar champais Éireannacha eile.
In a Burke panel discussion last night, women in STEM disagreed and discussed how the field should fix inequality.
By Aoife Kearins
Joe Newman and Gus Unger-Hamilton spoke to The University Times about the band's hip-hop heavy new album, Reduxer.
By Michael Dooley
From humble beginnings at a kitchen table to an innovative collective, Hen's Teeth emanates dynamic ambition and accessibility all at once.
By Sorcha Brennan
‘Innate’ delves into how our brains are wired.
By Brónagh Kennedy
Set up outside the Berkeley until Friday, the 8x8 photography and film exhibition is a student-run initiative focused on global justice issues.
By Aaron Finnegan
Trinity had previously expressed concerns about increased footfall and access to campus but 'broadly' supported the plan.
By Kathleen McNamee
TCDSU held a town hall this evening to gauge students’ views on the campaign for higher education funding.
By Aisling Marren and Ciannait Khan