
Those in Trinity With the Chance to Vote in the US Election Should Seize It

Simon Foy considers the vital role students will play in electing the next president and discusses the importance of overseas votes.
By Simon Foy

Political Consensus is a Poor Substitute for Political Solutions

Whether over higher education or repeal the eighth, decisions need to be made with or without consensus.

For Fossil Free TCD, a Victory Regardless of November’s Outcome

While it looks likely the College will announce that it will divest in November, the group’s approach is something of a victory in itself.

The Quest to Create the Ideal Trinity Graduate

The Trinity Education Project has outlined four key attributes that College wants every graduate to have, and is seeking to change the curriculum to incorporate them.
By Hugh Mitchell

Trinity’s Admin Failings Hinder an Otherwise Incredible Erasmus Experience

Stephen McLoughlin discusses the difficulties he faced with Trinity administration both before he went on Erasmus and on his return.
By Stephen McLoughlin

Decision on Divestment Expected From College Report Set to be Published in November

Fossil Free TCD expressed hope that Trinity would decide to end its investments in fossil fuels.
By Hannah Moody and Dominic McGrath

With New Spaces and Support, Nurturing the Trinity Breastfeeding Community

With private rooms for breastfeeding mothers and open meetings, College is working on breaking stigmas and becoming more inclusive.
By Kathleen McNamee

On-Campus Room Rate Increase Result of 248 New Student Beds in Binary Hub

On-campus room rates were increased this June to help subsidise the cost of new rooms in the Binary Hub, based in the Liberties.
By Jamie Sugrue

Student Groups Move Towards Lobbying in an Attempt to Effect Greater Change

Simon Foy examines the shift away from protesting and towards lobbying that has taken place across the student movement in recent years.
By Simon Foy

The Trinity Project Bringing Humanitarianism into Engineering with 3D Printed Devices

A Trinity engineering module is pushing at the boundaries of traditional education with its use of 3D printing technology
By Charlotte Ryan